If you meet an indie at a hotel suggested by her then chances are that the hotel is used by a few more indies as a go to place. This hotel may not be in the business of providing girls but they may atleast have contact details of a few indies. Call up the hotel few days after your visit and straightaway ask them "service ke liye koi milega kya". You might be pleasantly surprised with their reply. Remember your visit brings in money for the girl as well as the hotel. If they can't help you atleast they won't be rude.
There is a hotel next to sawli. I had seen a woman while exiting the hotel after finishing my business. She was not young but was fair n slim. After a few days I called the hotel, told them I had been a guest earlier and asked "aapke yahan service ke liye milega kya". The counter guy told me " Milega, aapko kabhi aane ka hai". This clearly shows that they can arrange things. There is a short fr on this place wherein the writer has written he enjoyed two "gorgeous" Women provided by them or something meaning similar.
Likewise there is another lodge bang in the center of gb road thane. There is a short fr on this place also wherein the writer mentions he had a gxjxu hw which was arranged by them or something meaning similar. After I read this fr I had called this place. However I could not ask properly so the conversation ended quickly.
Many of the couple friendly lodges n small hotels may not keep indies but they can surely arrange something provided you speak properly, confidently without faltering.
Having said this let me also add that I could be wrong here and this could be my imagination..

. Let me also add that whatever the lodge/hotel arranges may not meet your expectations, could be below par or plain useless.
Hope this helps in a small way. Sorry for a long post.
Enjoy n keep writing frs.. Tks..