Oh MY! *lol* In one thread, we were discussing the absolute downside of using radio based music...and that seems when it is peppered with commercials.One chair massage company (I don't want to pick on anyone here, easy enough to find in "Employers" on this board)...is offering chair massage WITH commercials...using MASSAGE as a way of trapping people into the chair to listen! Innovative idea!...but I don't think I could ever go with that. ย I loathed to be pushing products when people came into the spa for massage. I mean, I was very helpful and enthusiastic if it was something they were interested in or liked, and wanted to know more about. But I wasn't about to make a sales pitch before or after ...the person on the table was coming there to get AWAY from pressure.And I'm a merciless channel surfer in real life. I can't BEAR 6 minutes of commercials.What if the product they are offering is pure junk? The service is open for all sellers...*lol* I don't think I'd like to wind up being blamed for lulling someone into a bad sale. ย :
So any thoughts? Would you do it?