Aamie - a review


Feb 17, 2010
Reaction score
So anyway I FINALLY received the award money Reviewom topping a subject at uni last year, unfortunately too late to spend it on its intended use (a finale session with Brooke before she retired), so I was wondering what to do with it - nah, actually I was wondering who to see with it - I knew exactly what I'd be DOING with it :twisted:

But so many options, what taste was I feeling like... when suddenly late Reviewiday mpternoon I realised there was a new ad on this site - Aamie. As soon as I checked out the gorgeous photos (to the photographer, I have to say nice work!) I knew this was the one. Slim, red hair, nice figure... no mobile number, but the joys of email took care of the contact side of things. And thus NoLogoBoy found himself at Roma Street, about to visit Aamie.

First of all, this has to be said straight away - NO, this is NOT Aimee Reviewom last year. Don't go expecting that sort of PSE. Aamie is a very special lady in her own right. Note the different name!

OK, end of public service announcement.

Check out the photos for what Aamie looks like - very good looking, eh? Genuine redhead, blue eyes, slender Reviewame, reasonably tall, mid-20s; she opened the door wearing a beige top and denim jeans and looked damn fine. mpter some introductions we retired to her big double bed and got down to our underwear (nice pale blue bra and panties combo. Hers was nice too) before exploring each other. Aamie had said on the phone "everything except kissing and anal" but I was pleased to find that didn't mean faux kissing was off the menu - we kissed up each other's neck and earlobes and cheeks, shoulders and bodies. Soft touch, caresses, stroking.

Her pale pink skin matched mine nicely, and soon she went into a bodyslide, oiling me up a little and proving that breasts don't ned to be huge to feel great when sliding up and down your back. Cheeky nibbles on my ears when she'd reach the top of the arc kept me grinning. Then over again, and mpter some surprisingly agile Spanish, down for some covered oral. Aamie has a wonderful wall mirror that I kept checking out her tidy little bottom in while she went down on me.

Then finally she got on top of me and proved her range of facial expressions is almost limitless. I'm caught between goofy and kooky as a description here. I THINK they were mostly faces of pleasure. Aamie demonstrated the knowledge that sometimes less is more - that sometimes the smallest movements can get a guy off in deeper ways than the big flashy thrusts. mpterwards - very important! - she cuddled, stroked and held me, the come down being almost as good as the going up.

Then we talked and talked while showering and dressing again. Aamie is a very easy person to spend time with - anyone looking for a long booking, Aamie would be an excellent choice. We chatted about this site and various aspects of the industry (including why she kept getting inquiries about the OTHER Aimee). She has an amazingly level headed sense of herself. It then took a while to wrench myself away Reviewom her place - she is a very huggable woman, one I felt very comfortable with.

I'm aware that certain parts of this review might sound very similar to my review of Sarah Haywood - this is not entirely coincidental, as Aamie reminded me of no-one as much as the soon departing Sarah, albeit a redhead version. This is a good thing - a very good thing. Highly recommended. I feel privileged to be writing a review of her.
great review

Thanks for the review Nologoboy and yes I will transfer it to her personal profile as well :D
While on the subject of Miss Aamie, I thought I would mention for those that have noticed the post on AE about her that her photos are indeed real and NO they have NOT been touched up.
NO photos that I take of ladies are touched up or edited apart Reviewom turning them to black and white and or a little bit of light added to them - thats it.
What you see is what you you get :!:

Not to sound dumb or stupid or start any issues here but could someone plzzzzzzzzzzzz give me their thoughts, reason or feedback on something:

Why is it that if a lady advertises on this site questions and queries about her are always asked on another site ?
Like why can't the question be asked here ?
Is it because you think you won't get the truth or you think that people won't see what is written elsewhere or is it something else ??
A serious question because I am stumped and can't for the life of me figure it out :(

I'm bored in Mackay with nothing to do (see my other post ;)) so I just had a quick look at the AE site. My first impressions of it were not good, seems like a lot of whingers. The internet allows Revieweedom in so many different ways, some good and some bad. One of those ways is random slagging of other people without the usual checks and balances of normal social interaction.

Nikki I say just ignore it, its not worth worrying about.
hey there curious one

Im not like "worried" about it - as it was actually a really serious question as I said - any post is more than welcome for an opinion on this one - but as I said for the life of me I am stumped as to why, what, who and how ......................... 8)

P.S I'll give myself an uppercut if there is no reasonable post on this one - and I know that that will hurt :oops:

In regards to why people post questions / complaints / reviews on other website... The impression (rightly or wrongly) that by posting where the lady is not advertising, you are more likely to get a more honest, unbiased response Reviewom other mp.nets.

I maybe totally off the mark on this, but, my honest impression on posts is as follows....

When posting on a site with the WL's advertising...

* If a positive review is posted, numerous posts/replies appear in support / agreeance
* If a negative review is posted, numerous posts/replies appear attacking the person writing the review

When posting on a site where the WL in question does not advertise...

* If a positive review is posted, some posts/replies appear in a mixture of support / disagreement
* If a negative review is posted, numerous post/replies appear with similar reviews / mild disagreement or even thanks (to the post for giving others the "heads up")

I just feel that there is a "stigma" in regards to:
* Bias, when advertising is involved
* A feeling of not being shot down in flames for negative reviews if no advertising is involved

My thoughts are all muddled up in trying to type this post, so I hope the general gist of what I am saying is coming across...
your post

has been noted buttttttttttttt I have had a muddle of a day myself - actually a muddle of a week - god damn it :(
I do understand what you are saying and I just did a revisit of the AE forum and now it seems that Miss Aamie is the centre of attention .........
Give me a couple of hours to think this one thru then I'll post a reply because like you Blackmax it's in my head but I cant put it into words - damn I hate that ................. 8)

Good lord - I posted this review on Saturday. Sent the URL to Aamie - she was having trouble finding the review - on Monday. Over 150 views at that time, no replies. Figured okay, mission accomplished.

Then I see the 'don't visit Aamie' thread on AE. I didn't cut and paste my review there, because - well, it takes time, and I can only visit AE Reviewom a computer at uni, and it's assignment time and the computer rooms are really busy, and I REALLY don't wanna get caught checking out an escort site... but I did say I'd had a good time with Aamie. Oh, and one guy asked if he should still go ahead with his appointment to see her. So I suggested that he SHOULD - but if he didn't, he should have the balls to cancel rather than simply not turn up (which is how I read it).

Now, here's the big question - if this has turned into a hot issue at AE now, could someone PLEASE fill me in on what's being/been posted?

Feel Reviewee to mention this on AE if I've been flamed - and in fact PLEASE do - but because I cannot access the site until MONDAY, I have no way of replying if I'm being flamed, in fact I don't even know if I am or if I'm being paranoid.

I just would hate for certain idiots to think I've been cowed into submission or that I'm too much of a pussy to stand up in a stoosh.

Of course, maybe the debate on AE is civil and well mannered and people are concerned with each others feelings. And maybe Costello will declare the Budget was all one big horrible misunderstanding of a prank that went wrong. So please let me know, huh, guys?

(NLB singing along to Never Mind the Bollocks ATM - 'Anarchy in the UK')
no babe

you were NOT flamed BUT alas Aamie has just been the HOT topic of conversation.............
It was really just a thread stating that her photos were and I quote this
"In the photos on AB she looks like a honey. Went to see her. The photos are misleading. She is not a honey. I think the photos have been touched up or something"
So my point here was to state that her photos have NOT been touched up nor are they misleading.............
I do try so hard to stay away Reviewom that type of post about our ladies BUT I just can't help myself - I have foot and mouth disease ..........
Especially when they have no way of defending themselves and I think the men that write that CRAP when they know nothing about who, what, why when, should give themselves an uppercut :!:
I'm still concentrating on a reply for the other but my head hurts 8)

HZholden Im hoping like hell your a member here..............
You are not being flamed

You are not being flamed NoLogoboy, I think he's going to keep his appointment (or so he said). Appreciate your review always and please keep them coming.

As for Vip Nikki, just my two cents, I think the reason why people do more posts in AE may be because the interaction in the forum there is more of "mp.net" to "mp.net" base, eg sharing of different infos between mp.nets; where as in this site its mainly between mp.nets and Wls, and as a mp.net myself, I would be more interested to read reviews or infos on wls, and what other mp.net thinks. You dont see this a lot here. In this forum, you rarely see any discussion about WLs that's not advertising here, I don't want to get into the endless debate on which side should dominate the forum (Wls or mp.net, conflict of interest you see), but for me, I usually go in this site to see if anything new is happening and then spend most of my time reading posts in AE. However, with the way the post has been like lately, sometimes I felt like I am just wasting my time to read some of the posts.

Another thing I want to whinge about, if I may, I really really hates to read the reviews that goes like this: "I saw XXX today, she was great, the sex was good, etc etc, but I don't want to get into the details..blah blah blah... " What's good to the readers without any details? I understand everyone has their right not to post any details, but for me these reviews means much less. Anyway, I started this post thinking I should show some support to NoLogoboy as he has done many good reviews on many sites over the years and has always been very helpful. For that I thank you Nologoboy.
On the subject of reviews

Hi everyone,

Perhaps it's just me but I get the impression that there is a perception that we don't allow bad reviews here. I have seen those comments on other sites that say "They only have good reviews there" about AB, so perhaps they just don't bother.

Certainly, as far as the reviews on the ladies' profiles are concerned - we are an advertising medium for the ladies and the good reviews are "showcased" on their profiles. Quite clearly, it would be counter-productive to post negative reviews there.

On the other hand, as far as the forum goes, there are few reviews (good or bad) simply because many people choose not to post them. I can guarantee that we don't delete bad reviews - there are simply none to delete.

No-one has said that you're not allowed to post negative reviews here - you may post anything you like, as long as it isn't crude, abusive or threatening. (and if you do, those WILL be taken down)

Anyway, that's my 22c (inc GST) worth.... :wink:


My 2 cents worth

Re the question as to guys who don't post details - apartf rom the obvious one re BBBJs and the law, some wls provide differnet levels of service to different clients dpending on how nice, clean etc they are. This is human nature!

For example, if a lady really has a good time with a guy she might kiss him, but with most of the peple she sees, she probably wouldn't. If guys post details then the next guy who might hav e foul breath and lousy teeth (Reviewom which you could ctontract some std's) will expect kissing too evern though that might be considered TOTALLY unreasonable. Because he will have a bench mark in his mind, set by someone else who was more repectful and had better hygiene and was treated accordingly, he may feel slighted and post saying the service wasn't great. Even tho ladies don't kiss most (or in most cases any) of ther clients. So where a ldy gives a bit extra she usually prefers it to stay private.

Re this site not posting reviews of other ladies - our site does. The ladies, early in the piece, made a joint decision mpter quite a bit of debate that reviews could be posted of ladies who were non payers and left up for 28 days befire being removed. On AE I would point out that the reviews I (and other ladies) recieved WHILE PAYING TO BE ON THE SITE were removed once we left that site. So I'd say we provided more opporunity than AE although perhaps it is not used as much. That's in the client's control rather than the site's control though.
Where to post a review

It seems to me that this site has more wls in control of content, eg as Raven stated, you will apply your values and censor articles if they do not meet your criteria. Although in 99% of cases I personally might agree with the decisions to delete specific posts not meeting your criteria, and 100% accept your right to do so anyway, it still means that like it or not, AE is therefore where I would post if I wanted to write in blunt, plain and in a totally undiplomatic way. Some guys always write that way: so they are likely to post on AE not here, because they know their post would not survive on here. I see no problem in this setup. To each his own.

In a nutshell: both will accept negative reviews, but AE is where you can write ugly stuff, AB is not.

Hmmm, mpter months of non-wl's I saw Jackie in Surfers yesterday. I wonder where I shall post a review ... if anywhere.

In reply to Carly's excellent post...

Hi babe.

I agree. I am thinking about what details I might post as a review on Jackie, and you are quite right. Due to how I felt on the day, and how she therefore felt, and how she felt anyway, we had a very good time generally, and 'good stuff' happened that probably might not have with other people or at other times. It was not Jackie, its was not me, its was just us and then that made it happen. So I could now review, paid f** all, stayed all day, did the entire suite of possibilities including a new series of activities I had not even dreamt of before (and listed them) (Hmmm, am I exaggerating anyway?), but hey, the next mp.net in is NOT going to get that unless he and she clicks in a similar way.

So, yeah, details are good to a point, but should not be taken as any guarantee the same, or even similar, will happen for other mp.nets.

OK, so while I am on about her, there was good and bad aspects to our meeting, but since I like and respect her open and down to earth and personable approach, I am not sure that I feel inclined to list the bad aspects anyway.

ps For those interested Jackie is not on here. Mobile is 0400 749 075.
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  20. ForeverWarden:
    Wednesday at ๐Ÿซฆโค๏ธ๐Ÿ”ด๐ŸŸฅโ™พ๏ธ๐“•๐“ž๐“ก๐“”๐“ฅ๐“”๐“ก ๐“ข๐“Ÿ๐“โ™พ๏ธ๐ŸŸฅ๐Ÿ”ดโค๏ธ๐Ÿซฆ2190 Warden Ave, Unit 201, Scarborough ๐Ÿฐ๐Ÿญ๐Ÿฒ-๐Ÿด๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿฌ-๐Ÿณ๐Ÿด๐Ÿด๐Ÿณ: Bella, Cindy & Sasa. Bella is around 5โ€™3โ€ with a thin to medium build, C Cups, and a pleasing personality. She can offer dfk, bbbj and cfs as well as a good massage experience. Cindy is a slim beauty, 5โ€™4โ€, natural C Cups & wonderfully long nipples. Her massage is nice, her bbbj will drive you wild
  21. HolidaySpa:
    Wednesday at ๐ŸŒด๐Ÿ˜Ž๐ŸŒ…๐“—๐“ธ๐“ต๐“ฒ๐“ญ๐“ช๐”‚ ๐“ข๐“น๐“ช๐ŸŒ…๐Ÿ˜Ž๐ŸŒด3517 Kennedy Rd, Unit 4, Scarborough โ˜Ž๏ธ๐Ÿฐ๐Ÿฏ๐Ÿณ-๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿฐ๐Ÿณ-๐Ÿญ๐Ÿญ๐Ÿต๐Ÿตโ˜Ž๏ธ: EMILY, KIKI & CINDY. EMILY is a VERY tiny petite SPINNER superstar of the highest quality. Emily has a pretty face, natural A Cups, slim waist, and a lovely spinner bottom, topped off with the very best of services. Kiki is very attractive, young, about 5โ€™4โ€ and 110 Lbs., slim with a banging body.
  22. Moneylee:
    All season wellness center : Young girl big breasted beautiful buttocks charming temperament big boobs Sophia ,young girl pretty face nice figure Thai deep massage Helen,Young girl big breasted beautiful buttocks charming temperament summer ,Young girl Big breasted saucy naughty Ella , Enchanting sexy petite deep massage Sherry ,address: #5-30 Rambler dr Brampton ,Ontario L6W 1E2โ˜Ž๏ธ4376655510 ๐Ÿ‘„๐Ÿ‘„๐Ÿฆต๐Ÿฆต๐Ÿˆต๏ธ๐Ÿˆต๏ธ๐Ÿ‘…๐Ÿ‘…
  23. Moneylee:
    Full season wellness center: New Young girl big breasted beautiful buttocks charming temperament big boobs Sasa ,Young girl big breasted beautiful buttocks charming temperament big boobs Julie ,Young girl Big-breasted big big butts Aris ,Young beautiful face sexy body and good deep massage maggie,Enchanting sexy petite deep massage Mary. ๐Ÿ  2560 Shepard ave Mississauga unit 1 โ˜Ž๏ธ 4379857899 ๐Ÿ‘„๐Ÿ‘„๐Ÿฆต๐Ÿฆต๐Ÿˆต๏ธ๐Ÿˆต๏ธ๐Ÿ‘…๐Ÿ‘…
  24. SugarLoveSpa:
    Wednesday at โค๏ธ๐Ÿ’™ ๐Ÿ’œโŽ๐—ฆ๐—จ๐—š๐—”๐—ฅ ๐—Ÿ๐—ข๐—ฉ๐—˜ ๐—ฆ๐—ฃ๐—”โŽ ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ’˜: ELLA, TIFFANY & TINA. 1270 Finch Ave W (at Keele St), Unit 18. North York, ON โ˜Ž ๐Ÿฐ๐Ÿฏ๐Ÿณ-๐Ÿฏ๐Ÿฒ๐Ÿฑ-๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿฒ๐Ÿด๐Ÿด โ˜Ž ELLA is a lovely Thai sweetheart, 5โ€™1โ€ with C Cups, smooth skin and a very pleasing attitude. TIFFANY is an amazing slim petite doll with natural 34C melons, slim waist, & a cute little 33โ€ booty. Tiffany has incredible bbbj skills, tastes as sweet as honey
  25. Red Rose Spa:
    ๐ŸŒธ We have 11 hot brown girls today ๐ŸŒธ MALIYA, MONIKA, NINA, SUMMER, ASHA, PREETI, SARA, ANAYA ๐ŸŒธ 2588 Birchmount ๐ŸŒธ 2 Invergordon ๐ŸŒธ 647-702-8800 ๐ŸŒธ Please visit for a great erotic massage
  26. bnwellness_wilson:
    We have 4 girls are working today, young cute Lily 22โ€™s and young pretty Mia 25โ€™s, young fun Ivy 36DD with big buttocks open mind and sexy Coco are providing deep tissue and sensual massage, pls call 416-3985777 book appointment and walk in always welcome, back entrance and parking available. 350 Wilson Ave North York
  27. luckywellness:
    Lucky Wellness Center 4379721888 295 Eglinton Ave E,Unit 7,Mississauga Luna and kiki work
  28. New Oriental Health Centre:
    ๐Ÿซฆ Vivian, Mina & New Girl Sunny are in today ๐Ÿ“žCall ๐Ÿ“ฒ Text: (647) 381-2688 ๐Ÿ’„Vivian is a Very Horny & Vivacious Chinese Girl! ๐Ÿ‘ Mina is a young sexy Chinese Hot Girl. ๐Ÿ’‹ Sunny is a Young Hot Korean Girl ~ All Our Girls are Extremely Open-Minded ๐Ÿค— We're Open from 8am til Late Everyday! Drop in to Unit 26, 10 East Wilmot Street, Richmond Hill.
  29. Endless Joy Spa:
    โœจโœจโœจโœจโœจ[GRAND OPENING]โœจโœจโœจโœจโœจ ๐Ÿ’žEndless Joy Spa๐Ÿ’ž ๐ŸŽ‡ (155 East Beaver Creek Rd Unit #8, Richmond Hill) 416-731-8565๐ŸŽ‡10am-2am, New First Day Young Slim Sexy Chinese Faye, Slim Petite Chinese Vivi & Slim Sexy Chinese Coco
  30. Soul Relax Spa:
    โœจ Looking for a relaxing escape? โœ… Meet๐ŸŒธTina๐ŸŒธAletta๐ŸŒธMonicaCall us today for the best treatment and service experience. Click on our Username and FOLLOW US for updates ! Call now โ˜Ž 289 - 298 - 5662โ˜Ž๏ธ Your ultimate relaxation awaits! โœจ
  31. Lulu1980:
    Phoenix Blossom Spa ๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน2 girls ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ5124 Dundas St W Etobicokeโ˜Ž๏ธ416-817-3366๐Ÿ‘ New Japanese girl Nina โค๏ธ Natural Big Boobs 38 DD ๐Ÿ˜˜ Hot body slide, super enjoyable๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜Hot and sexy body, super body slide, very provocative service๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜, professional super Luna deep tissue massage, has therapeutic effect to loosen bones and relieve muscle pressure and will bring you unexpected service effects, she will bring you a little surprise๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜โค๏ธYou are welcome to make an appointment at any time or walk in
  32. Alex8789:
    Change the tag
  33. Lulu_Villa_Spa:
    Natalie she is CBC/filipina mixed Petite school girl Bella She is Mexican Gorgeous face Natural D cup Boobs Cici Cute Skinny Sexy Vietnamese Girl โ˜Ž๏ธ647- 446-0886
  34. See You Health Center:
    Barbie Very Young, very Petite Korea Student With Perfect S shape type Spicy Smoking Hot Body Candy She is a Vietnamese๏ผŒ Face and body to die for. Her smile will make you melt. Judy is a gorgeous model type Vietnamese Girl โ˜Ž๏ธ416-988-2950
  35. Endless Joy Spa:
    โœจโœจโœจโœจโœจ[GRAND OPENING]โœจโœจโœจโœจโœจ ๐Ÿ’žEndless Joy Spa๐Ÿ’ž ๐ŸŽ‡ (155 East Beaver Creek Rd Unit #8, Richmond Hill) 416-731-8565๐ŸŽ‡10am-2am, New First Day Young Slim Sexy Chinese Faye 6pm-2am, Slim Petite Chinese Vivi & Slim Sexy Chinese Coco
  36. EMSpa_schedule:
    Tomorrow's sneak peek: On Wednesday January 8, 2025, our attendants will be Carla ๐Ÿ‘, Opal โค๏ธ, Cici ๐Ÿฅฐ, Sandy ๐Ÿค— and Yoyo ๐Ÿ”ฅ Come by and celebrate hump day with an amazing massage!! Call 905-479-6668 to book!!
  37. New spring spa@:
    ๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒนsexy hot Indian ๐Ÿ’– Malaysia ๐Ÿ’– Korean girls ๐Ÿ‘working at Nu spring spa๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ’‹โ˜Ž๏ธ416-669-8508๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน
  38. Sparkling Spa:
    โšก๏ธ๐ŸŒŸSPARKLING SPAโšก๏ธ๐ŸŒŸ โœ…50 Lockridge Ave Unit 8โœ… ๐Ÿ‘ŒMarkham, ON L3R 8X4๐Ÿ‘Œ โ˜Ž๏ธ (905) 604-8186 Spa Land Lineโ˜Ž๏ธ โ˜Ž๏ธ (437) 446-6688 NEW Spa Cell Phoneโ˜Ž๏ธ (West of Warden & 16th Ave) OPEN 10am to 9pm MONDAY to SUNDAY ๐Ÿ”ฅโœ…NEW MANAGEMENT๐Ÿ’ฏNEW GIRLS๐Ÿ”ฅSUPERSTAR SERVICE QUEENS AVAILABLE AT SPARKLING SPA FOR ALL YOUR MASSAGE AND SPECIAL EXTRA NEEDS๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ’ฏ๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ”ฅโค๏ธ๐Ÿ‘Œ ๐Ÿ”ฅSEXY NEW YOUNG GIRLS ALWAYS WORKING - Todayโ€™s Schedule isโ€ฆ๐Ÿ”ฅ Coco -๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ˜˜Our new sexy and slim massage girl Coco exudes elegance and allure, with
  39. Jennyโ€™s Spa:
  40. wonderspa:
    ๐ŸŒบ๐ŸŒบWonder spa,(9421Jane st unit127)call416-5000-800โ˜Ž๏ธbest massage in vaughan,Today and tomorrow RMT available,Ensuit shower is available ๐Ÿ’„sexy very young girl Mimi,natural c cup,nice body slide ๐Ÿ’„Tina beautiful face,open mind she can provide everything you want ๐Ÿ’„very beautiful Q girl Lucy deep tissue massage hot stone ,can remove your pain,very popular,give you warm comfortable time๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ
  41. luckywellness:
    Lucky Wellness Center 4379721888 295 Eglinton Ave E,Unit 7,Mississauga Bella and kiki work
  42. AliceSpa:
    TUESDAY at ๐—”๐—Ÿ๐—œ๐—–๐—˜ ๐—ฆ๐—ฃ๐—”, 4915 Steeles Ave. E, Scarborough ๐Ÿฐ๐Ÿญ๐Ÿฒ-๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿต๐Ÿด-๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿด๐Ÿต๐Ÿด. 3 Young Beauties Today at Alice Spa. Open 10am to 9pm: AMY is a young, petite short & slim Taiwanese, former dance instructor, firm natural B Cups, pretty face, firm natural titis, super play good, bbbj, cim, rim, dfk, all services. BEBE : is a nice young Korean girl with a natural super busty DD Cup, petite
  43. hiyamickey:
    7 girls working at Reinella wellness, address: 6262 hwy7 unit #1 Vaughan, โ˜Ž๏ธ๏ผš905-851-4888
  44. Lulu1980:
    Phoenix blossom Spa โ™จ๏ธโ™จ๏ธโ™จ๏ธtable shower ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘body scrub๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน5124 Dundas W Etobicoke โ˜Ž๏ธ416-817-3366 Nice girl Luna She can provide a very good massage with sensual touch. She knows how to take direction and please a man. Lisa ๐Ÿ˜˜can provide deep Thai massage. She takes directions very well. She has many assets and knows how to use them. Come see her today.Welcome to walk in or make an appointment at any time. Plenty of parking space at the
  45. HollywoodSpa:
    Tuesday at ๐ŸŽญ๐—›๐—ข๐—Ÿ๐—Ÿ๐—ฌ๐—ช๐—ข๐—ข๐—— ๐—ฆ๐—ฃ๐—”๐ŸŽญ, 4578 Yonge St, Unit 100, North York, ON: COCO & SISI. โ˜Ž416-222-5554โ˜Ž When you visit ๐ŸŽญHollywood Spa๐ŸŽญ, you will be treated with tender care and your visit will be a fulfilling one. Nice Massage, Young Pretty Girls. We have Chinese, Japanese, Korean & other attendants. COCO is an attractive attendant with nice massage skills & good services. SISI is a sweet slim beauty, 5โ€™5โ€
  46. ForeverWarden:
    Tuesday at ๐Ÿซฆโค๏ธ๐Ÿ”ด๐ŸŸฅโ™พ๏ธ๐“•๐“ž๐“ก๐“”๐“ฅ๐“”๐“ก ๐“ข๐“Ÿ๐“โ™พ๏ธ๐ŸŸฅ๐Ÿ”ดโค๏ธ๐Ÿซฆ2190 Warden Ave, Unit 201, Scarborough ๐Ÿฐ๐Ÿญ๐Ÿฒ-๐Ÿด๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿฌ-๐Ÿณ๐Ÿด๐Ÿด๐Ÿณ: Cindy, Tracy & Vivian. Cindy is a slim beauty, 5โ€™4โ€, natural C Cups & wonderfully long nipples. Her massage is nice, her bbbj will drive you wild & her cfs finish is a dream come true. Tracy is an incredibly cute & pretty Japanese/Taiwanese mixed spinner, about 5โ€™1โ€ and 100 lbs. She is very popular
  47. HolidaySpa:
    Tuesday at ๐ŸŒด๐Ÿ˜Ž๐ŸŒ…๐“—๐“ธ๐“ต๐“ฒ๐“ญ๐“ช๐”‚ ๐“ข๐“น๐“ช๐ŸŒ…๐Ÿ˜Ž๐ŸŒด3517 Kennedy Rd, Unit 4, Scarborough โ˜Ž๏ธ๐Ÿฐ๐Ÿฏ๐Ÿณ-๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿฐ๐Ÿณ-๐Ÿญ๐Ÿญ๐Ÿต๐Ÿตโ˜Ž๏ธ: EMMA, JENNY & CINDY. EMMA is a very beautiful slim Chinese honey with C Cups, beauty face, & nice services to drive you wild. Jenny has a medium build, nicely curvy with a slim waist, pretty face, and very flexible skills. Jenny will make you very happy CINDY is a slim & incredibly sexy lady
  48. JerryWangWw:
    Suko spa every day have 6 to 7 different style masseuse working here please call 905-597-8880 ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ’‹๐ŸŽŠ๐ŸŽŠ
  49. Moneylee:
    All season wellness center: Young girl big boobs beautiful face deep massage Lulu,Young girl big boobs beautiful face deep massage Tina ,Young girl big breasted beautiful buttocks charming temperament big boobs Cindy ,Student big boobs buttocks Vicky, Enchanting sexy petite deep massage Sherry ,๐Ÿ address: #5-30 Rambler dr Brampton ,Ontario L6W 1E2โ˜Ž๏ธ4376655510 ๐Ÿ‘„๐Ÿ‘„๐Ÿฆต๐Ÿฆต๐Ÿˆต๏ธ๐Ÿˆต๏ธ๐Ÿ‘…๐Ÿ‘…
  50. Moneylee:
    full season wellness center: NewYoung girl big breasted beautiful buttocks charming temperament April, Young girl big boobs beautiful face deep massage Grace,Young beautiful face sexy body and good deep massage Selena ,Young girl big boobs beautiful face deep massage Bobo ,Young girl Big breasted saucy naughty Ella,Enchanting sexy petite deep massage Mary. ๐Ÿ  2560 Shepard ave Mississauga unit 1 โ˜Ž๏ธ 4379857899 ๐Ÿ‘„๐Ÿ‘„๐Ÿฆต๐Ÿฆต๐Ÿˆต๏ธ๐Ÿˆต๏ธ๐Ÿ‘…๐Ÿ‘…