Alice at Lotus

Oct 2, 2009
Reaction score
Alice at Lotus

The reason why It happened
I didn’t want to see the 3 ring circus (GF, her offspring, and the yorkshire terror) this weekend, so there I was all alone this morning all jacked-up on java surfing Art on the internet. (porn is Art right? :confused: ) No sports on DTV so flipped over to BEV for some adult viewing pleasure and “oh my”, what’s this?
“South American Pie 3” – Man I dig S.A. babes! So I’m watching these smokin hot young S.A. hineys being punctured by pink steel and “all of a sudden”, my cock & balls are outta my shorts and lefty is doing the 5 knuckle shuffle! How could this have happened??? :eek:

The moment of truth arrives – do I finish what has started or pay someone else to do it? I’m too confused so I let Herman decide. “Take me shopping!” :mad: he bellows. FINE! I check my to-do list and choose Shayna from SP/DIR = no response. I’m not into fuckin around, let’s just take the gang to Guildford Poon Mall. (Lotus). I phone, 4 girls on = let’s bolt!!!

The Happenstance
A pretty hostess greets me and I ask to see the line-up. The parade consists of 3 girls, one named Cici and 2 others. Hey, wait a minute? I thought there were 4? Quick mind math = Hostess is do-able!!! “How bout you honey?” = Okay!! Alice is her name. Pretty face, warm personality and extremely sexy feet!! (Foot Fetishist here!) I choose 45 minutes for .5

Starts out with actually a fairly decent massage, says she practiced back in China. She says she’s 24, been here for 6 months and at Lotus for about 3 months. Usually works only Thursday to Saturday. I tell her which areas to work and she obliges. She catches me looking at the clock and says “don’t worry, only 10 minutes for massage, and proceeds with a sensual leg massage with a few rubs up against Herman. I ask about full service and we negotiate for $.4 plus tip if she performs good = Deal. I mentioned that IVY had a good time with my tongue and asked if she’d like some. She said she didn’t really like that but If I wanted to, it would be okay.

Do the flip and she starts lubing me up for an HJ. I ask about a BJ and she says “okay” and mumbles something about “with or without condom?”. Full salute! :D Herman’s got a Helmut on! So……. BBBJ?
“You pay extra?” How about another green? = ok. CIM? = NOT! (drats!) She bolts to get mouthwash and I’m thinking, If you want to gargle, how bout cum gargling? (visions of a funnel and PAM spray pop into my mind – god damn porn! :rolleyes: )

I sit on the edge of the table, she gets on her knees, and applies her oral technique onto my fuckstick. Good suction when she’s doin the bob, (oh those ears are lookin like mighty fine handles!) but that’s only intermittently. Most of the BJ was her taking the head in the mouth and swirling her tongue around. Didn’t really do it for me. Rubbed her back and tweeked her lovely nipples all the while. She has amazing natural Nunga-Nungas. (my GF’s kids name for fun bags – she read a book called “knocked out by my Nunga-Nungas”….geez, kids these days) I would guess about a B-cup, though I’m a total ignoranamus when it comes to tits as I’m all about feet, lips and ass. (about a size 6 foot and sexy – maybe a footjob in the future - hmmm)

Next, onto the main event. I get her positioned at the corner of the table on her back and start doin the slow poke thang. Her moans are convincing and she seems to be into this as she’s very wet – either natural wetness or applied lube that I didn’t see. Like a lot of pooners, when the girl is into it, it gets us even more into it. I continue the slow poke for a while, but her moans make me switch gears and soon I’m goin Johnny Jackhammer on her with my hands grasping her ankles and kissing her feet. She’s giving me the “deer in the headlights” :eek: look as the wet smacking sounds fill the air. Everything is all good and soon Mr. Johnson is releasing the juice crew! AHHHHH – all good in da hood for me! BUT! She’s looking up at me with a glare of confusion = “more please!”. :eek: Sorry babe, Elvis has left the building!

I felt guilty :( as I normally make sure the woman gets her “O”, but today the wrong head was in command and I was somewhat selfish.

Looks = 8 (extra point for her feet and Nunga-Nungas)
Attitude = 9 (Extremely sweet girl willing to please)
Service = 7.5 (.5 point loss for weird BJ tom foolery)

Damage - .5 for the room + $.4 for Alice + .4 for tip/bbbj = $$.3

Repeat – YES! Not only for her great attitude, tits, and feet, but to make up for her not getting her “O”.

Notes: She has a slightly overgrown bush which could use a trim, BJ guidance would be recommended and if BBBJ was negotiable = YMMV for menu options (LFK/DFK/ear handlebars/turkish drillpress…)
I asked her if she liked Vancouver and she replied reluctantly that she does like it but she’s lonely and has no real friends, having left her whole family back in China. Treat her well guys, she’s 1 sweet girl!

This has to be one of my all time favourite reads! That was the funniest review I've seen in a long time. Way to go Nylon69. Keep up the good work and have fun.
Nylon I gotta say you got a way with words bro! :D

Thanks for the great read and the report of Alice, might have to check her
out if I can get past Rebecca !!:D

Oh yah, if you're a feet, ass and lips man, you gotta check out Mimi,
shit there I go again, I mean Exotic Gin, just did a review of her in the
escort section. You will not believe the doggy !! Or anything else on this
honey for sure ! :)

Q'Miler, I have the greatest respect for your contribution to the board but sometimes I scratch my head. You have been raving about Lotus for months and NEVER mentioned Rebecca took appointments or was available until Nylon's review. Now you admit you have been visiting her for months and she is your all time favourite. Before this revelation you have been shamelesly promoting Lotus and every girl there non stop for months with out a mention of seeing Rebecca intimately. ie having a thing for the owner without mentioning it until now and excessivelt promoting the agency. .

The fact you were seeing her for sessions without letting board members know while at the same promoting her agency is blatantly shilling her business for the last several months. Also, every girl you see is fabulous. Actually, you see so many girls how can you profess to respect any of them . I frequent many of the asian places you do and I feel you are using your board status to advance yourself with the providers at least this is the impression I have gotten when talking to a some of the ladies you have visited.

In your opinion they are all the best and receive nothing but rave reviews. Is exotic Gin your all time favourite today. Can not wait until tomorrow to see who the poster girl for that day is.

You will lose credibility because all you posts are very glowing and you discuss the subject of what you will post with the majority of the ladies you visit. I am particularly diasppointed with your relation and promotion of Lotus.

I am not trying to say that your comments are not helpful but to a large extent they are self motivated and the reasons for your excessive promotion of Lotus and others is now very transparent. Gin is great but I don't recall you reviewing her when she was a Fox. No mileage?

Maybe you are just posting with your heart not your head. But you have crossed a line usually reserved for poiiticians and "conflict of interest" guidelines.

Seems to me that QM posted a review of Rebecca a few days prior to Nylon's review.

QM's review of Mimi while she was a Fox.

QM IMO is definetely not a shill. He seems to get along with these girls and is willing to share his experiences and for that he should be commended and not condemned. He's had good a good time at Lotus and wants to promote them what's the harm? To me a shill is someone who promotes a girl that is a WOT or a ripoff.
Daboneman, very much appreciated your back up and thanks for that !


Now as for Westender.........
westender, you're way off base w your criticisms of QM.

We all have different styles for pooning and QM's style is evident in his reviews. He seems to like building a relationship and connecting w the SP. Nothing wrong with that. readers must read all reviews with a grain of salt.

Maybe you should TOFTT, post some reviews and actually contribute to the board before insulting a respected member.
Thanks and appreciated.

It's no secret she takes appointments and has been in this biz for quite
sometime therefore never thought to mention it. I was asked by a fellow pooner through PM if she did, cuz he didn't know.
Maybe that's what you should have done. :rolleyes:
Here's my first review of Rebecca, well over a year ago!

We're talking about girls who provide a service not a string of girl friends

Advance myself? In what possible way other than knowing them on a more
personal basis and becoming familiar.

You better read some more of my reviews since you find me so fascinating,
there are lots of places in them where I've offered the negative.
Exotic Gin definately falls into my top five list, there's a difference from all
time fav to that.

Listen bud, I don't know how long you've been pooning but after you've
been a member for as long as I have and put tons of effort and time into
writing reviews to share with others, which btw I have not had one
pooner come back to me saying I was outta line with my review on any
girl that he has seen after following it up!
With some girls I ask if I can review them, just outta consideration for there
privacy. Some girls don't want certain things revealed at times and there
fore becomes a YMMV situation. Sometimes reviews don't contain certain
"facts" and are left to the next guy to discover. Like possibly BBBJ's and
other menu items.

I'm glad you've found some positive in my comments and I'm not trying to
make enemies here, but when you live out in the valley and to even drive
to Lotus is a 40 minute drive, it's pretty damn tuff to get into the big
city to poon. For me I find it the best place within my reach for service
as the rest of the places out here have a long way to go to reach the
quality of what you get at Lotus.
On occasion I do travel outta the valley but not very often.
Oh and here's my review of Mimi when she was a Fox.

Me thinks you think to much ! We're talking about pooning after all.
Btw, the only line I could be accused of crossing is actually having made
some wonderful friends in this hobby. :rolleyes:
Just ask Rebecca about that the next time you're at Lotus. :rolleyes:
Then again I believe she respects me as well and just might tell you to take
a flying leap. Perhaps that is what I should have said to you, but it's not my way.:)

Anyway I hope you had fun with your mini rant and I do believe you had
genuine concerns being a newbie.
I look forward to a long and great membership on this board from you and
I'm sure looking forward to your string of reviews that you will post in the future and as time goes on your credibility with such will be made or
broken from feedback by others who follow up on your reviews.
That's the ticket. :cool:

Participation on the board is what it's all about my friend !!
By posting and recieving feedback you will earn your "credibility"
by others who see the girls you post about and offer their feedback.
Time to get busy my friend !!

Thanks very much to you too Hoops your comment is appreciated and I'm
humbled by it. :)

Normally I don't take offence to the newbies criticism but in retrospect
every new member can become a valuable contributor and I gave him the
benefit of the doubt........this time !!

After all he did have genuine concerns cuz his head was itchy !!:D

Oh yah almost forgot I wonder if Nylon minds that his thread
got hijacked about his review of.......... LOTUS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Whatever. We are all entitled to our view of things. My view, my flack from posters, my reasoning is dead on, my opinion still stands, my-opic rhetoric, my adversity to board members banding together- My My My etc. etc.. The thread wasn't hijacked it was about Lotus and your hype QM. Weak come back but nice try. No one said anybody had to agree with me so live with it as I will and we can all move on.
QM subscribes to the same theories which I follow: Treat them nice and yee shall be rewarded many times over. Works for him and it works for others also.

He know how to threat the ladies. And they return the favor.
Just read this thread and I have to say first of all to nylon69... very nicely done review. It was very informative and very entertaining. Couple of observations from your review:

  • Shayna from the B&S has retired from the biz, but I've heard rumblings about her starting an agency.
  • For some strange reason most Asian bush that I've seen, and I've seen a lot :D , could use a weedwacker to knock back some of the overgrowth.

I also wanted to throw my support behind Quarter Mile'r as well. He's one of the most genuine posters on here. He's provided solid reviews since day one and for anyone to call him a shill for Lotus is only looking at a small part of the picture. If he's a shill for Lotus, what is he doing giving good reviews to ladies at Buffalo Spa, Famous, Prosper, and independants like Holly and Juicy?

Sorry, but for a guy with so few posts on here, if you're going to call "Shill" you should actually take the time to build up your board credibility and then do some research on the guy you're going to accuse first. To me calling shill so soon makes you look ignorant or someone with an axe to grind...
Agreed 100 percent

Quarter does a lot of footwork, and is an excellent contributer to

Keep up the good work, and dont change one bit

Agreed, I like this guys style of posting. Keep it up man !

To HAW and JF, yah I've moved on and just wanted to say thanks to you
guys for your input. :cool:

HAW, btw, have never been to Prosper maybe that's just an oversight on
your part but have done reviews on a couple of girls from there who worked at other places in the past. Being Sasha, god she was cute, and Yuka who now seems to work there. Saw her when she was Indy at Burnaby micro. But will add, Fantasy spa, Ocean Relaxation, Kenlinex, ah excuse me,
Kleenex :D , Roses in Abby(Now gone), Relaxation massage, etc, etc.

Oh my, and how could we forget Miss Fame, Tina at New world/Regent...
.......sigh !.........damn, still miss her :( but 'nuff said.

Ahhh, my apologies, I did say I moved on, got carried away there, damn
good stuff that Bushmills. :D

Oh yah, JF?, no worries lad, ain't gonna change one bit, like they say
can't teach an old dog new tricks! :D
Be no changes from me bro!

Well a person has to admit that he may have jumped to conclusions. QM you have a lot of support from a lot of people so:: I guess I was off base.

Carry on dude. You are a big contributor to the board. I guess I could learn something from you.
No worries bud, like you said, everyone's entitled to their own opinion,
and we can have an off day. If you ever need any info/help just pm me
man. :cool: I'll do my best to help you with whatever I can.

Btw, good on ya bro!! Keep on pooning. :)

So you know Tina too huh? Yah wasn't she something !!
I'll never forget her contagious laugh, what a sweetheart.
Her and I hit it off pretty good for sometime, a good friend she was too!

Actually called her a week or so ago to touch base and yes she has retired
from the biz and is in China as we speak. I wish her all the best of luck
in her future, she really does deserve it.

  1. Lulu1980:
    Phoenix Blossom Spa 🌹🌹🌹3 girls 🔥🔥🔥5124 Dundas St W Etobicoke☎️416-817-3366👍 nice girl Mia big boobs 36DD 😘😘😘😘Hot and sexy body, super body slide, very provocative service😘😘😘, professional super Luna and Suki deep tissue massage, has therapeutic effect to loosen bones and relieve muscle pressure and will bring you unexpected service effects, she will bring you a little surprise😍😍😍😍❤️You are welcome to make an appointment at any time or walk in the back door with plenty of parking spaces
  2. SunriseRH:
    MONDAY at 𝗦𝗨𝗡𝗥𝗜𝗦𝗘 𝗦𝗣𝗔: CHLOE & LUISA. 10 East Wilmot St, Unit 27, Richmond Hill, on ☎️ 𝟲𝟰𝟳-𝟯𝟮𝟱-𝟴𝟬𝟴𝟲 ☎️ CHLOE is new, slim sexy figure with nice C or D Cups, a pretty face, and great services. LUISA is a young,pretty, and slim Spanish senorita with slight curves and a hot hot hot attittude. SUNRISE SPA, welcomes you to experience total relaxation
  3. Annie Spa:
    🎉🍒ANNIE SPA🎉🍒 ✅7-1001 SANDHURST CIRCLE✅ 👌SCARBOROUGH ON M1V 1Z6👌 ☎️ (647) 891-9688☎️ ☎️ (416) 291-8879☎️ (FINCH & MCCOWAN) OPEN 9:30am to 9pm MONDAY to SUNDAY 🔥✅NEW MANAGEMENT💯NEW GIRLS🔥🔥 🔥GORGEOUS NEW YOUNG ASIAN GIRLS - TODAY’s ROSTER INCLUDES: 🔥 Jessica😍 She is a young, captivating massage girl from Korea who combines her gentle touch with an intuitive sense of what her clients need. Her soft, skillful hands and soothing presence create an atmosphere of deep relaxation and c
  4. Moneylee:
    All season wellness center :Young girl big boobs beautiful face deep massage Kelly ,New Young girl big boobs beautiful face deep massage Baby ,Young girl big breasted beautiful buttocks charming temperament big boobs Yoyo ,Young girl Big breasted saucy naughty Ella ,Enchanting sexy petite deep massage Sherry , address: #5-30 Rambler dr Brampton ,Ontario L6W 1E2☎️4376655510 🦵🦵👄👄🈵🈵👅👅
  5. Golden Sunshine Spa:
    ✨Click On Username and FOLLOW US✅ Today 🌸Yoyo🌸Kim🌸Aletta🌸Franchesca ☎905 - 265 - 2158☎️
  6. Moneylee:
    Full season wellness center: New Young girl Big-breasted big Big boobs big butts May, Young girl big breasted beautiful buttocks charming temperament big boobs Vita ,Young girl big boobs beautiful face deep massage Bobo, Young beautiful face sexy body and good deep massage maggie,Enchanting sexy petite deep massage Mary. 2560 Shepard ave Mississauga unit 1 .☎️4379857899 👄👄🦵🦵🈵🈵👅👅
  7. Soul Relax Spa:
    ✨Click On Username and FOLLOW US✅ Today 🌸Ivy🌸Claire🌸Brandy ☎289 - 298 - 5662☎️
  8. NewOriental:
    MONDAY at 𝗡𝗘𝗪 𝗢𝗥𝗜𝗘𝗡𝗧𝗔𝗟 𝗦𝗣𝗔: HAPPY, NAYLA & PHOENIX 10 East Wilmot St, Unit 26, Richmond Hill, on ☎️ 𝟲𝟰𝟳-𝟯𝟴𝟭-𝟮𝟲𝟴𝟴 ☎️ HAPPY is a slim & busty Korean lady with great massage skills & lots of extra fun. NAYLA is a tall, young, beautiful & curvy Spanish girl. Come and say hola. PHOENIX is a gentle sweet Filipina lady, 5’4” and 105Lbs, with 34C-24-34 assets
  9. Hollywood_Spa:
    💘💞a very clean spa at 4578 Yonge Street, unit 100,💢💋💗Monday, ❤ Tracy,💞💋 tall with slim build, brown hair past shoulder, very pretty, amazing legs, friendly personality. excellent treatment and service.. 💌 Mimi, 💋medium height. good looking, dark hair to shoulder, firm treatment followed by good service menu 💋 📱 416 222-5554📱
  10. lemon_tree:
    💛💥a discreet entrance at 4155 Sheppard Avenue east, 201❣💢💋💖Monday,💞💋 Carmen, ❣(Candy) 💋beautiful, dark hair to shoulder, tall and slim but busty, and does very relaxing treatment with over the top finish. *Also goes by Lily. 💋 📞 647 348-2899📞
  11. ASPA:
    𝗠𝗢𝗡𝗗𝗔𝗬 𝗔𝗧 𝐀 𝐒𝐏𝐀: EMMA and Best Massage RACHEL. 🅰️𝐀 𝐒𝐏𝐀🅰️, 28 South Unionville Ave, Unit 5, Markham. 🅰️𝗖𝗮𝗹𝗹 𝟲𝟰𝟳-𝟳𝟮𝟵-𝟲𝟲𝟬𝟲 𝗼𝗿 𝘁𝗲𝘅𝘁 𝟲𝟰𝟳-𝟴𝟯𝟵-𝟱𝟵𝟲𝟲🅰️ EMMA is 1.64Cm. and weighs 52Kg. Emma is sweet and elegant, has very good communication & massage, and her services will make your visit enjoyable. RACHEL is slim and attractive
  12. Maxmin:
  13. SugarLoveSpa:
    Monday at ❤️💙 💜⎝𝗦𝗨𝗚𝗔𝗥 𝗟𝗢𝗩𝗘 𝗦𝗣𝗔⎠💖💗💘: CHERRY & CARA. 1270 Finch Ave W (at Keele St), Unit 18. North York, ON ☎ 𝟰𝟯𝟳-𝟯𝟲𝟱-𝟮𝟲𝟴𝟴 ☎ CHERRY is a young, slim, friendly and absolutely gorgeous Vietnamese beauty, 49 Kgs with Bounteous D Cups. Real pics, unreal services! BBBJ, shower together, full menu. CARA is a new attractive attendant with a host of skills. Sugar Love Spa
  14. bnwellness_wilson:
    Blue Nile Wellness Center, we have 4 beautiful young girls are working today , young fun Selina with big buttocks 30’s open mind and Young cute Vivian 22’s , sweet GFE Ella and sexy Coco are providing deep tissue and sensual massage, pls call 416-3985777 book appointment and walk in aways welcome, back entrance and parking available, 350 Wilson Ave North York
  15. ForeverWarden:
    Monday at 🫦❤️🔴♾️𝓕𝓞𝓡𝓔𝓥𝓔𝓡 𝓢𝓟𝓐♾️🟥🔴❤️🫦 2190 Warden Ave, Unit 201, Scarborough 𝟰𝟭𝟲-𝟴𝟬𝟬-𝟳𝟴𝟴𝟳: Angela, Cindy & Ruby. *New today, Angela is a young, small and very beautiful lady who can fulfill you in many ways. RUBY is Singaporean, very slim, petite & sexy, speaks English well, & has great services. Cindy is a slim beauty, 5’4”, natural C Cups & wonderfully long nipples.
  16. Endless Joy Spa:
    ✨✨✨✨✨[GRAND OPENING]✨✨✨✨✨ 💞Endless Joy Spa💞 🎇 (155 East Beaver Creek Rd Unit #8, Richmond Hill) 416-731-8565🎇10am-2am, Sexy Chinese Linda, Tall Slim Sexy Chinese Kelly, Young Sexy Chinese Abie
  17. YM203:
    MoonMoon spa/416 887 8801/8131Yonge st #203 Spanish/Latin white skin &new Asian girl Amy in today
  18. Lily Spa:
    ❤️ SANA, SASHA and KK are here today for your massage needs ❤️ Lily Spa ❤️ 2190 McNicoll ❤️ Scarborough ❤️ M1V 5M2 ❤️ (647) 531-8288 ❤️
  19. Endless Joy Spa:
    ✨✨✨✨✨[GRAND OPENING]✨✨✨✨✨ 💞Endless Joy Spa💞 🎇 (155 East Beaver Creek Rd Unit #8, Richmond Hill) 416-731-8565🎇10am-2am, Sexy Chinese Linda, Tall Slim Sexy Chinese Kelly, Sexy CBC Rachel & Young Sexy Chinese Abie
  20. Lulu1980:
    Phoenix blossom Spa ♨️♨️♨️table shower 👍👍👍👍👍Body scrub 🌹🌹🌹🌹5124 Dundas W Etobicoke☎️416-817-3366 every day 3 girls New girl Luna and Jessica and Tiffany joined. She can provide very good massage and sexy touch. She knows how to take instruction and please a man👍👍👍Jessica😘 can provide deep Thai massage. Earlobe kiss💋She looks like an ordinary girl but has a round and beautiful ass. The hot body slide is her unique asset to attract men👍👍👍😜😜😜Come see her today. Feel free to walk in
  21. Randy1968:
    New beautiful Vietnamese and Chinese with Mexican at thank you
  22. laluna1857:
    @laluna wellness😍$10 off today 😍 1857 Danforth Ave ☎️416-800-6625 full body massage , feet massage
  23. Moneylee:
    All season wellness center : New Young girl big boobs beautiful face deep massage Shasa,Young girl big breasted beautiful buttocks charming temperament Lala,Young girl big boobs beautiful face deep massage Helen , Young beautiful face sexy body and good deep massage Maggie , Enchanting sexy petite deep massage Sherry,🏠 address: #5-30 Rambler dr Brampton ,Ontario L6W 1E2☎️4376655510 🦵🦵👄👄🈵🈵👅👅
  24. AliceSpa:
    SUNDAY at 𝗔𝗟𝗜𝗖𝗘 𝗦𝗣𝗔, 4915 Steeles Ave. E, Scarborough 𝟰𝟭𝟲-𝟮𝟵𝟴-𝟬𝟴𝟵𝟴: 3 Hot Girls today at Alice Spa: ADA: is a taller girl from Korea with a pretty face, slim with a big booty. She has good massage, can do bbj and cim. QIQI (part-time student): Unimaginable beauty, young busty student from Korea, half white, internet celebrity, very beautiful face, natural D Cups, Curvy Body, nice boobs and ass, long black hair, excellent services.
  25. Moneylee:
    Full season wellness center: New Young girl big breasted beautiful buttocks charming temperament big boobs Elise,Young girl pretty face nice figure Thai deep massage Anika , Student pretty face nice figure Thai deep massage Michelle,Young girl Big breasted saucy naughty Ella,Enchanting sexy petite deep massage Mary. 2560 Shepard ave Mississauga unit 1 .☎️4379857899👄👄🦵🦵🈵🈵👅👅
  26. Aqua Health Centre:
    😊 WENDY and new girl EMMA are available today! 😊 Sunday slow relaxing massage 😊 1729 Bloor Street West 😊 At Keele Subway Station 😊 High Park area 😊 647-343-6851 😊
  27. Jenny’s Spa:
  28. Golden Sunshine Spa:
    ✨Click On Username and FOLLOW US✅ Today 🌸Nina🌸Yoyo🌸Brandy🌸Camila🌸Akame ☎905 - 265 - 2158☎️
  29. Soul Relax Spa:
    ✨Click On Username and FOLLOW US✅ Today 🌸Rebecca🌸Karla🌸Hellen ☎289 - 298 - 5662☎️
  30. Sparkling Spa:
    ⚡🌟SPARKLING SPA⚡🌟 ✅50 Lockridge Ave Unit 8✅ 👌Markham, ON L3R 8X4👌 ☎️ (905) 604-8186 Spa Land Line☎️ ☎️ (437) 446-6688 NEW Spa Cell Phone☎️ (West of Warden & 16th Ave) OPEN 10am to 9pm MONDAY to SUNDAY 🔥✅NEW MANAGEMENT💯NEW GIRLS🔥SUPERSTAR SERVICE QUEENS AVAILABLE AT SPARKLING SPA FOR ALL YOUR MASSAGE AND SPECIAL EXTRA NEEDS🔥💯😘🔥❤️👌 🔥SEXY NEW YOUNG GIRLS ALWAYS WORKING - Today’s Schedule is…🔥 Zoe - 🔥Stunning Tall Taiwanese Service Queen with Endless Passion and Sensuality who
  31. lotushubspa:
    Lotus spa recommendations new girls for massage services today They are Cici💋Anna 💋Coco💋they are all young and beautiful with first class service from china Singapore South Korea if you want a massage please contact can send sms
  32. SunriseRH:
    SUNDAY at 𝗦𝗨𝗡𝗥𝗜𝗦𝗘 𝗦𝗣𝗔: TIANA . 10 East Wilmot St, Unit 27, Richmond Hill, on ☎️ 𝟲𝟰𝟳-𝟯𝟮𝟱-𝟴𝟬𝟴𝟲 ☎️ TIANA is a sexy Jamaican girl, 5’6” & 120Lbs, possessing 36DD-28-39 assets to drive you crazy. SUNRISE SPA, welcomes you to experience total relaxation in our comfortable, clean, cozy environment. Our lovely selection of beauties can totally satisfy your expectations.
  33. Lulu_Villa_Spa:
    Natalie 💕 She is from Philippines CBC Petite school girl 🥑 Nancy💕 Vietnamese BBBJ/CIM Queen Natural D+ Cups ☎️647-446-0886
  34. See You Health Center:
    Judy 💕 is a gorgeous model type Vietnamese Girl She is 5’2”tall . 100Lbs, with D Cup Melons She is very Sweet Provides Excellent Customer Service Suki 💕 From Taiwan, sweet girl Sexy tight body amazing C cups with Those incredible nipples ☎ 416-988-2950
  35. NewOriental:
    SUNDAY at 🍏💚𝗡𝗘𝗪 𝗢𝗥𝗜𝗘𝗡𝗧𝗔𝗟 𝗦𝗣𝗔💚🍏HAPPY . 10 East Wilmot St, Unit 26, Richmond Hill, on ☎️ 𝟲𝟰𝟳-𝟯𝟴𝟭-𝟮𝟲𝟴𝟴 ☎️ HAPPY is a slim & busty Korean lady with great massage skills & lots of extra fun. NEW ORIENTAL SPA , a sister spa of Sunrise Spa, welcomes you to our comfortable, clean, cozy environment. Here you will experience wonderful massage sensations provided by beautiful girls
  36. ASPA:
    𝗦𝗨𝗡𝗗𝗔𝗬 𝗔𝗧 𝗔 𝗦𝗣𝗔: EMMA and Best Massage RACHEL.[/color] 🅰️𝐀 𝐒𝐏𝐀🅰️, 28 South Unionville Ave, Unit 5, Markham. 🅰️𝗖𝗮𝗹𝗹 𝟲𝟰𝟳-𝟳𝟮𝟵-𝟲𝟲𝟬𝟲 𝗼𝗿 𝘁𝗲𝘅𝘁 𝟲𝟰𝟳-𝟴𝟯𝟵-𝟱𝟵𝟲𝟲🅰️ EMMA is 1.64Cm. and weighs 52Kg. Emma is sweet and elegant, has very good communication & massage, and her services will make your visit enjoyable. RACHEL is slim and attractive
  37. ForeverWarden:
    Sunday at 🫦❤️🔴🟥♾️𝓕𝓞𝓡𝓔𝓥𝓔𝓡 𝓢𝓟𝓐♾️🟥🔴❤️🫦2190 Warden Ave, Unit 201, Scarborough 𝟰𝟭𝟲-𝟴𝟬𝟬-𝟳𝟴𝟴𝟳: Cindy, Jennifer & Mia. Cindy is a slim beauty, 5’4”, natural C Cups & wonderfully long nipples. Her massage is nice, her bbbj will drive you wild & her cfs finish is a dream come true. Jennifer is a tall, slim & pretty Asian babe with natural melons and eraser nipples. She is very open minded.
  38. bnwellness_wilson:
    Blue Nile Wellness Center, we have 4 beautiful young girls are working today , young fun Jessy slime 30’s open mind and Young cute Summer 30’s , sweet GFE Ella and sexy Coco are providing deep tissue and sensual massage, pls call 416-3985777 book appointment and walk in aways welcome, back entrance and parking available, 350 Wilson Ave North York
  39. HolidaySpa:
    Sunday at 🌴😎🌅𝓗𝓸𝓵𝓲𝓭𝓪𝔂 𝓢𝓹𝓪🌅😎🌴3517 Kennedy Rd, Unit 4, Scarborough ☎️𝟰𝟯𝟳-𝟮𝟰𝟳-𝟭𝟭𝟵𝟵☎️Jenny & Suki. JENNY has a medium build, nicely curvy with a slim waist, pretty face, and very flexible skills. Jenny will make you very happy. SUKI is a sexy lady, short with big boobs, medium massage & nice services. 🌴😎🌅HOLIDAY SPA🌅😎🌴
  40. SugarLoveSpa:
    Sunday at ❤️💙 💜⎝𝗦𝗨𝗚𝗔𝗥 𝗟𝗢𝗩𝗘 𝗦𝗣𝗔⎠💖💗💘: *New Girl AMAYA, CHERRY, & LUNAY. 1270 Finch Ave W (at Keele St), Unit 18. North York, ON ☎ 𝟰𝟯𝟳-𝟯𝟲𝟱-𝟮𝟲𝟴𝟴 ☎ CHERRY is a young, slim, friendly and absolutely gorgeous Vietnamese beauty, 49 Kgs with Bounteous D Cups. Real pics, unreal services! BBBJ, shower together, full menu. ELLA is a lovely Thai sweetheart, 5’1” with C Cups, smooth skin and very pleasing
  41. Annie Spa:
    🎉🍒ANNIE SPA🎉🍒 ✅7-1001 SANDHURST CIRCLE✅ 👌SCARBOROUGH ON M1V 1Z6👌 ☎️ (647) 891-9688☎️ ☎️ (416) 291-8879☎️ (FINCH & MCCOWAN) OPEN 9:30am to 9pm MONDAY to SUNDAY 🔥✅NEW MANAGEMENT💯NEW GIRLS🔥🔥 🔥GORGEOUS NEW YOUNG ASIAN GIRLS - TODAY’s ROSTER INCLUDES: 🔥 Mia😍 beautiful young Singapore girl. Mia has a very sexy body, and beautiful busty boobs and golden blonde hair. She can give a very good teasing and relaxing massage with a sensual great playful HAPPY service. So very sexy beautiful
  42. Lulu1980:
    Phoenix blossom Spa ♨️♨️♨️table shower 👍👍👍👍👍Body scrub 🌹🌹🌹🌹5124 Dundas W Etobicoke☎️416-817-3366 every day 3 girls New girl Luna and Jessica and Tiffany joined. She can provide very good massage and sexy touch. She knows how to take instruction and please a man👍👍👍Jessica😘 can provide deep Thai massage. Earlobe kiss💋She looks like an ordinary girl but has a round and beautiful ass. The hot body slide is her unique asset to attract men👍👍👍😜😜😜Come see her today.
  43. wolfpyro:
  44. McClain:
  45. Lily Spa:
    ❤️ SANA, SASHA and KK are here today for your massage needs ❤️ Lily Spa ❤️ 2190 McNicoll ❤️ Scarborough ❤️ M1V 5M2 ❤️ (647) 531-8288 ❤️
  46. lotushubspa:
    Dear customers today Lotus Spa recommends different girls to provide you with the best massage services every day There are Tina Anna Lily from china South Korea and Taiwan our location is 10737 Yonge Street unit13 if you are interested you can call 9052375885.4163565876.
  47. Endless Joy Spa:
    ✨✨✨✨✨[GRAND OPENING]✨✨✨✨✨ 💞Endless Joy Spa💞 🎇 (155 East Beaver Creek Rd Unit #8, Richmond Hill) 416-731-8565🎇10am-2am, Sexy Chinese Linda, Tall Slim Sexy Chinese Kelly, Sexy CBC Racel & Young Sexy Chinese Abie
  48. AliceSpa:
    SATURDAY at 𝗔𝗟𝗜𝗖𝗘 𝗦𝗣𝗔, 4915 Steeles Ave. E, Scarborough 𝟰𝟭𝟲-𝟮𝟵𝟴-𝟬𝟴𝟵𝟴. 4915 Steeles Ave. E, Scarborough 416-298-0898 3 Girls Today at Alice Spa: AMY, young, petite short & slim Taiwanese, former dance instructor, firm natural B Cups, pretty face, firm natural titis, super play good, bbbj, cim, rim, dfk, all services. MAGGIE young pretty petite. Short & super slim, busty HK student, great massage & services
  49. SunriseRH:
    SATURDAY at 𝗦𝗨𝗡𝗥𝗜𝗦𝗘 SPA: TIANA. 10 East Wilmot St, Unit 27, Richmond Hill, on ☎️ 𝟲𝟰𝟳-𝟯𝟮𝟱-𝟴𝟬𝟴𝟲 ☎️ TIANA is a sexy Jamaican girl, 5’6” & 120Lbs, possessing 36DD-28-39 assets to drive you crazy. SUNRISE SPA, welcomes you to experience total relaxation in our comfortable, clean, cozy environment. Here you will experience wonderful massage sensations provided by beautiful girls
  50. NewOriental:
    SATURDAY at 🍏💚𝗡𝗘𝗪 𝗢𝗥𝗜𝗘𝗡𝗧𝗔𝗟 𝗦𝗣𝗔💚🍏: HAPPY & PHOENIX. 10 East Wilmot St, Unit 26, Richmond Hill, on ☎️ 𝟲𝟰𝟳-𝟯𝟴𝟭-𝟮𝟲𝟴𝟴 ☎️ HAPPY is a slim & busty Korean lady with great massage skills & lots of extra fun. PHOENIX is a gentle sweet Filipina lady, 5’4” and 105Lbs, with 34C-24-34 assets and very open minded. NEW ORIENTAL SPA
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