2 therapists -
We use a book we found at office max (I pick them because they have good prices and good scheduling books) which has appointment times starting at 7am and ending at 8pm (some years the times will vary in the book - don't ask me why).
It does not have an huge block for Sundays though (if you work Sundays) unless you purchase the one you have to write the dates in at the top of the pages. I prefer the one which has the dates already up at the top, but some years I haven't been able to find one of those and then I just write them in.
The one we get has 4 columns. I schedule in one of the columns and write the client phone number in the next colum. My partner takes one column (the one on the opposite side of mine) and writes his clients phone number in the inner column.
It looks like this:
Client --
Number --
Number --
=====30 mins. space=====
Client --
Number --
Number --
(1 1/2)
We always draw an arrow into the book to when the appointment will end, along with parenthesis with the amount of time the appointment is going to take and leave a 30 min. space until the next client.
It may seem like overkill, but you always know exactly what is going on.
The book is called a
DayMinder® Four-Person Daily Group Appointment Book(Scroll down to the bottom of the page and you'll see three notecards that you can click on. Take the one for more images and you'll see that you can click on the tiny pick of the opened book to check it out all up close and personal like.) They aren't something NEW like the site suggests. We've been using these since '96.
Medical Arts Press also has good appointment books and you'll find many doctors offices using these.
Medical Arts Press - Appointment Books
05/29/07 - Didn't edit, just copied some info off this thread to put on another.