At this point, when there are megabytes of emails being leaked exposing the lies that have fueled the man-made global warming science, I do not care what the economy is doing. Cap n Trade should not be at all considered. If the science was there, they would not have to lie about it.
Liberal bias...and for every economist that claims it would have been worse without the stimulus, there are more that show that the stimulus has not helped, or even made matters worse. And considering that less than 25% of the "stimulus" that was designed for "shovel ready" projects has been spent, that link is a joke! over 65% of that "stimulus" money is scheduled to be spent during the 2nd and 3rd quarters of 2010 and 2012....WHY? Because it has NOTHING to do with stimulus and 100% to do with partisan politics. I think that Obama and his administration should be in prison for treason over intentionally causing a negative impact on our economy while playing partisan politics with over $500 Billion Dollars of TAXPAYER money.