I think its totally a YMMV thing
I was in Platinum around 1 month or so, or more, and during the meet and greet, I saw all the girls but Arianna (as she was heading into a session), so I told the receptionist I still want to meet her before she goes in
In comes this totally sexy little vixen, wow, I tell her "you are as hot as hell! You should tell the fucker you are going in to see now, I would happily pay him off -------> to fuck off home, as I want you all to myself" she must of liked what I said as she began to rub her ass up close to my dick (ever so lightly) and leans back and whispers "you come back later and I'll rock your world" BOING instant fucking hardon
could barely walk out of there with my loaded weapon
I need to get back ASAP to give that little hottie some DATY
you know, a guy has to love it when, all these barely 20 yr old girls rock the world of a 45 year old guy
but it pays to look not a day over 35, have a slim muscular body, and dress like a million bucks, and ALWAYS SMELL GOOD
I think some of these guys that get crappy sessions look and smell like shit, and you wouldn't believe some of the horror stories these young ladies tell me
guys if you have your shit together the YMMV will tip in your favor