Charity events...
I have done this type of thing a few different times.Once I donated $15 from every (every!!!) massage during the month of January to sponsor my sister's participation in the Avon 3-Day Walk for Breast Cancer. I printed little cards that I placed on the face cradle that said, "thank you" for helping me to support a great cause, etc & gave the website to learn more. The back of the card had my business contact information on it. My sales went up that month about 20%. I purposely chose January, because that is a slow month for me. It enabled me to donate over $600 to a very worthy cause. (my Januarys would never have allowed that in the past! ha. s-l-o-w)I advertised this in my newsletter, and in a sign at the reception desk at the salon.Last year I did a Yoplait (what a coincidence, tiamouse!) Yoghurt Promotion. They encourage it, provide a link to their site & even downloadable ads/signs, etc. I used my lucite drawing box & decorated it with the official sign from Yoplait. I asked people to bring in their clean pink lids. I would send them in so that Yoplait would donate their 10 cents per lid, and I matched the 10 cents myself, as a personal donation. In addition, I offered any massage client 1% off any massage service per lid (up to 50%) they brought in for any Oct/Nov/Dec appointments. I made a cut-off date that allowed me ample time to mail the lids in to Yoplait by their deadline.Another time a client approached my partner about helping to raise money for an amino acid analyser for a specific hospital. Their little girl suffers from Maple Syrup Urine Disease: a terrible condition that sends her into comas as her body cannot process &metabolize proteins. It's a little known & rare disorder that doesn't have large fundraising profiles like others (ie Breast Cancer, Diabetes, etc). It was a grassroots effort & many small businesses as well as individuals helped them come up with the 80K needed to get that machinery for St John's Barrows. We donated $10 from every massage. We were mentioned briefly whenever they listed the local businesses helping, but it wasn't really about that.I say, go for it. I can't really say that it will increase your income, but it will raise awareness of both you and the charity you are trying to help. You can orchestrate some kind of press release about it, etc. That's always nice on a couple of different levels. I wouldn't reccommend it unless your heart is truly in the right place about it. What if you advertise & pledge X% or X amt of dollars, etc. Will you be able to write that check in both the very best & worst of outcomes?In my new place, next year, I'm supporting a friend & client who is doing the 3-Day walk with a 'labrynth walk' in our studios. She is baking pink ribbon cookies to sell, I'll be setting up the labrynth & I'll be giving everyone who 'walks' & donates a coupon for 25% off a future appointment with me. My long-winded point: do it thoughtfully & think of it as a way to 'tithe' or gather the resources to make a nice charitable donation. I, personally, would never be able to write these large donations if I didn't involve a bit of marketing & business savvy.Jill/Sagetherapist