Well I'm a 3rd year high school and wandering if any of you can help me with my project,here are the things that I need I'll do the rest if you will help me with the codes.
A.Autobiography(I'll do this one0
i.Font settings:Tahoma,2,any color
ii.Title: Use H2,center
iii:background:use your pics.
Well my problem is that I dont know what to start,I do it like this
<Head><font face=Tahoma size=2 color=black>and I dont know what is next please answer as soon as possible.
A.Autobiography(I'll do this one0
i.Font settings:Tahoma,2,any color
ii.Title: Use H2,center
iii:background:use your pics.
Well my problem is that I dont know what to start,I do it like this
<Head><font face=Tahoma size=2 color=black>and I dont know what is next please answer as soon as possible.