Hi LavenderRose
There is some information on my site however I shall attemptto elucidate here if I can, althoughexplaining more about ThetaHealing could get extremely long, here goes......
ThetaHealing was originated by Vianna Stibal of Vianna's Nature's Path (her site is [link=http://www.thetahealing.com]www.thetahealing.com[/link] ) Her story is amazing, and she is a wonderful warm person, soI would recommend visiting the site to see for yourselves, however I shall attempt to explain how we work. Most healing techniques such as Reiki, Shamanic etc work on the 5th plane of existence, the realm where the Angels, Gods, and Spirit guides dwell and exist as well as the Councils of 12 (of which there are many). In Theta healing we work from the 7th plane using the energy of the Creator of All That Is, working from this plane means that all energy used comes from a place of unconditional love, free of ego considerations and karmic debts. What we ask of the creator is manifested in our lives through changes in our own belief systems. We literally pull the negativebeliefs which are causing the difficulties and replace them with more helpful and constructive beliefs which enable us or our clients to move forward in a positive way.
For myself I saw psoriasis, which I had been suffering from for 20 years, literally recede and disappear in the space of four days, the belief that it was in my family and therefore I would inevitably get it meant that I manifested it in my own life. Pulling it and replacing that belief so that I could live free of it means that it has not returned. I had various emotional blocks within my own life many which were rooted in my childhood experiences at a convent school and some of the less helpful things to which we were subjected at that time (1960's/70's) by the nuns in that particular system. These were inhibiting my ability to be as successful at my life and business as I know that I should be. Vianna actually got to the bottom of that one for me in Iceland in October and things have moved on wonderfully well since then. I taught (along with a colleague) my first course in London in December, and our second course is in a couple of weeks time in Bristol. We have had wonderful positive feedback from the students who attended our first course about how amazing the changes have been and how they are using the technique for themselves, their families, and once they became confident, with clients, and they are already booking for the advanced course which we are planning to teach in March.
It's difficult to explain exactly how we work except to say I suppose that it is similar to prayer and evokation within religious or wiccan practices, but in a very enhanced and specific way which focusses the intentions and enables us to manifest the positive changes we desire. It is a truly universal technique which can be used by healers regardless of their particular denominational or religious beliefs. I have found it to be miraculous for myself, for my loved ones and for my clients and pupils.
As you may be able to tell I am very passionate about this technique, so I apologise if it seems that I am doing a hard sell on it. That is not my intention in any way, it's just that this has made the biggest most positive change in my life personally that anything has ever done and I am so eager to share this with as many as possible.
I hope that helps a bit and is not too disjointed or confusing.
Love and Light
Bernie x