Hi Candie -
- a few thoughts my dear to mull over hopefully with a mince pie & some other mull' ie red wine & complimeting additions mmmmmmn
anyway soz . . do you notice, are you aware of anything else going on within the systems - or where abouts you are working when this release happens
the body may well be ridding/releasing physical of emotional tension, stress etc - notice how the adrenals feel, kidneys, colon etc
Notice her reactions, expression what you sense from her
usually a sec before the feet sweat profusely ( if they are going to )
I have often thought - ooh here we go- feels like - then whoosh - profuse moisture - at that point if relevent & all clients are different but I usually acknowledge/ask my client how she is feeling, if she feels any different etc as the body is responding to something - i would never hesitate about saying the feet are sweating profusely as i find nothing at all embarassing about the reaction & will guide my client to feeling confident about the physiological balancing occuring too, that it is necessary perhaps !!
ie the body is responding perfectly naturally - the promotion of homeostasis is inevitable & if sweating is needed to occur then just trust the body's own innate ability - all will unfold as treatments progress.