I find similar to Lesley. I have got a lot of regular aroma clients, but they rarely come each week, or if they do then they tail off when they are better. I have found that all the reflex clients so far have rebooked for regular sessions, which is encouraging as I haven't been doing it for long. Then again it is cheaper than aroma and you don't need to get undressed, so I think that helps. I personally find that clients sleep really well after reflex, sometimes even if they haven't slept at night for two or three years, so it get's a big thumbs up there from me. I still love aromatherapy but have to admit that reflexology is swaying it a bit now for me!
Personally the one therapy that I never enjoy is Indian Head. I know others who love it, and the client's always enjoy it, but it just doesn't do it for me. I always want to rip their clothes off, get the oil out and really get down to it....if you know what I mean.[8D] I also do Reiki, and think the more you do the better you get etc etc....so am still newish to that, do enjoy doing it though. Gave one today and almost left the planet actually, so that was nice. Not only that but he paid me and it should probably have been the other way round I enjoyed it so much!