introduced on an island on 1st Sept? There was no subsequent migrationof hedge to or from islan. Let Pn denote the size of the population of hedgehogs on 1st Septemeber (n) years after 1970.
Question: Assume that for each integer n>_0, the number of births & deaths in the year beginnin exactley (n) after 1st sept 1970 are 3.4Pn & 2.6+0.00016p:
Find a Recurrence System satisfied by Pn?
show that the recurrence relation found is logistic by writing it in the form
and identifying the valuse of the parameters r and E
Question: Assume that for each integer n>_0, the number of births & deaths in the year beginnin exactley (n) after 1st sept 1970 are 3.4Pn & 2.6+0.00016p:
Find a Recurrence System satisfied by Pn?
show that the recurrence relation found is logistic by writing it in the form
and identifying the valuse of the parameters r and E