I agree with everyone so far! There are also some other things to consider...Such as location, if you ever intend to offer services other than massage, the type of therapy. If you have intentions of working with Physicians, it may be in your best interest to have a more professional name.When I decided it was time to stop renting space from a hair salon, I thought long and hard about what my long term goals for my practice would be. I wanted to work with doctor referrals, I wanted people to know where I was located, and eventually I wanted to offer more than just massage. My office is located in a small, but rapidly growing community, made up of three towns. The community as a whole is referred to "North River" (it is north of a river!) One town has had a bad rep for many years, but is now turning into an upper class neighborhood, however the lingering reputation is still there. Another town is very small, and the third town was mostly farm land that is now being turned into upscale developments. With that in mind, I did not want to name my center after any one of the towns, because people will have their own limited idea of what that town is like. They may choose or dismiss based on their judgement.With that in mind, I named my practice "North River Body Therapies". When people are scrolling through the phone book, instantly they know where we are. Doctors take us more seriously, I believe. We have not only massage, but Skin Care and Acupuncture, and it looks like we may be offering Physical Therapy here soon.I know this is a long reply (ALL ABOUT ...ME! ;D ), but there is a point...think about what you want to acheive with your name. This is usually people's first impression. The Relaxing Place is a nice choice for a small 1-3 person clinic where the focus is, well, RELAXING! ;DI love the history and sentiment behind Mimi's place...what a very clever, heartfelt choice! I can only assume your clients can feel the love and warmth! It sounds inviting and elegant. You should be very proud!So far I am leaning towards Therapuetic Resourses...but that is because it is closer to what I provide, so that makes it a biased opinion. Write down what you want to accomplish with your name. How do your choices make you feel when you say them? What visions come to your mind? Chances are that is what will go through your clients mind aslo. Don't forget to check to see if anyone else has registered that business name. I don't know what state you are in, but you can find it online.I don't know if that helps, but I hope it does! Let us know what you chose!