I thought I could give you what I know about Hepatitis...
There are 3 forms of Hepatitis: A, B, and C. They are all liver illnesses/diseases.
A is easily caught by dirty water/food and easily rid off in 2 weeks, and most people never know they have had it anyway, as it makes you sick like gastric bugs...But if you are very week or an alcoholic, then you may not recover as easily, or at all.
B is passed - if my memory is good - through sexual intercourse/blood contact...There is a Vaccine for it. Inmany European countries95% of the population was told to get vaccinated in the eighties after much alarm by the governments, so I did. Only to hear 4 years afterwards that it is thought to have cause a very serious (nerve, I think) disease in some people. Luckily this did not happen to me. Many doctors have defended their support of the Vaccine by saying the disease was caused by Hep B vaccine being administered too near in timeto other vaccines. The virus does not survive well in the open air.
Hepatitis C (or liver cancer)is THE scary one, it can be passed through the saliva if you have a cut (we often have minor cuts) in the mouth and the infected person or object makes contact with you (kissing, sharing of razor or tooth brush: intimate objects...ie, it can be passed through unwashed dentistry, medical, tattoing, piercingequipment. It does not survive well in water especially if the water is put in the fridge. Saying that, my doctor abroad said you have to kiss an Hep. C sufferer deeply and for long to run a real risk...
There is no vaccine anywhere for it. Drinking alcohol makes one weaker when affected by the illness as it is liver cancer..
You may think, at least I did, how come half of the clubing-drinking-and-"kissing" -population has not been wiped off, with such a vicious virus? (or at least a few people who like me, rushed to have their ears, lips, and belly buttons pierced one day in their existence at a dodgy shop/market stall in the eighties with a "gun"-by the way, reason for which you should never get pierced with a "gun" as it is hygienecally unsafe..)?
Well I don't know and am perplex athow wehaven't heardmore about it in the news..it is growing as fast as or even faster as Aids, so surely the media could start talking about it. But instead they mention "sexually transmitted diseases", which people interprete as "ok, it's safe, it's just chlamedia" or "ok, it's safe, it's dodgy people sleeping with dodgy people and passing on Aids"....