HOW DO I even begin chair massage?
Could we get a little more information on your plan? I got the impression from your introductory post that you are just barley starting school, whether that means you just enrolled or have actually started classes I don't know. I also don't know if you are planning to do this after you graduate and are licensed, or if you want to do this while you are in school. If the latter is the case, it's not really any use to practice something you haven't learned yet; I will tell you to simply wait until you've gone through the course, if that's offered. I'm assuming you will probably have a few business/marketing classes which I will also tell you to wait for. Keep that question in your pocket, so to speak, and pull it out during the appropriate class to ask the instructor. Also make sure to find out if local laws will allow you to practice anything outside of the school or in an un-supervised setting.
If you are wanting to do this after getting licensed, well... again, your classes will probably be the most beneficial in getting information on the types of work you're interested in.
So my soapbox aside, I would come up with a little "proposal" letter/email/phone call, asking a company if chair massage for employees would be something they are interested in. Also be prepared with a little blurb about benefits of massage, answers to questions they might ask, etc., then you can sort out details if they say yes. It seems a little "salesman-ish" to me to just show up with a chair, but depending on who you talk to, that might work.