Believe it or not the Cat will teach the puppy how to "play" with her. Just bring the pup not make a big deal out of it...let the cat slowly, at his/her own pace come around to the pup...they will probably sniff each other...the pup may do a little bit of a play nip or nosing...the cat may "swat" or hiss at the pup, which will make the pup react. Watch the reaction, he may simply back up and bark at the cat or he may run away, as long as the pup does not get aggressive with the cat, let them go to work it out, they may simply just ignore each other, chances are the cat will run and hide and come around when the pup is sleeping to investigate what is in the house. Let the cat show the pup at a young age who is boss. As the cat swats him, you will need to reinforce the cats swats with the term "leave it". The two will work it out given the chance, the biggest mistake people make is that they think it is cute that the puppy chases the cat, DON'T allow this, even in the beginning or it will never end.
Good Luck