I have a 4 year old female Jack Russel Terrier, since I have a lot of outdoor cats my one female had three kittens. After they were old enough to survie without her milk she became ill and past away. I just recently found homes for two of the kittens. Leaving me with one female kitten left, So i decided to bring the kitten inside. But my dog gets very excited and barks and jumps and becomes very playful and that terrifys the kitten. She would never hurt her though. Her and another one of my cats got along great like best friends they would even eat out of the same bowl. Therefore, I'm not sure what to do. Some say to put up a gate between the kitten and my dog, but I know my she would easily break down the gate. Another thing people have told me would be to put the cat in a seperate room which I have tryed but my dog just sits outside of it and whines. I don't know what eles to try! Any help? Thanks