I have only ever come across a few nasty plinths.
I agree with Paul, that your best bet may be to pick up a second hand one. If none on HP, then maybe check the classifieds in Health type journals. If your setting up a practice on a budget, then there are probably other expenses that need considering. Plinths are relatively simple beasties, that can always be spruced up & is likley to be used with a cover on, anyway. [sm=dance.gif]
May be a good idea to browse at new ones to think about what type you're after. Usually the more twiddly bits - the more expensive. Here's the web site for Osteopathic Supplies Ltd -
Electric versus Hydraulic.
I prefer hydraulics - fewer moving bits, so less likely to have faults, no wires to trip on (especially if you need to move it about) & gives your leg muscles some exercise.
Occasional hydraulic seal failure either from excessive use - replace, or under use - can get away with boiling in hot water.
Have had an electric one fail on me & had to replace motor and the pressure switches they you use for up & down can be sensitive to changes in room temperature. Sending the patient/client toward ceiling or floor. []