it depends on the cat, most if introduced as kittens are fine with them. we have 8 cats and a rabbit and our cats are fine with her. i worry about my gsd more than the cats. my pit bull as odd as it seems i never worried about with our small animals because she loved them , we have pics of her with kittens, baby rabbits and baby chinchilla's. its all in the temperament of the animal,. one of my cats is a hunter, a matter of fact we saw him kill a huge rat in the yard yesterday but he ignores our rabbit and hamsters. i think my crazy cats think if its inside its ok, outside fair game. which means even with 8 cats we have a field mouse problem we had a cat named buffy when i was 18, my hubby nicknamed him buffy the hamster slayer cause he kept killing my hamsters, i finally got rid of him gave him to my brother.