So here's a little more detail, I'm 16 in high school, I've been a pretty shy guy my whole life. I've had numerous chances with I don't even know how many girls. But some how, some way, I always seem to screw them up. Now they haven't all been screw ups, I guess you could say I've had so called "things" with girls before. But none that I actually really liked or would ever really date. I've been told by many girls that I'm attractive, so I know that's not an issue, the issue is simply this, whenever it comes to me seeing a girl that I like, I can never figure out what to say, or how to introduce myself to her. And then before you know it it's over, she either gets a boyfriend before I start talking to her or something else stupid happens that prevents me from talking to her.
So here's the scoop, this girl lives in my neighborhood and she walks by my house every time school gets out. I do not take the bus, I drive home myself. And every time the opportunity comes all I can think in my head is, "what to do, what to say, how to say it" etc etc...
Wondering if anyone has had this problem or anyone could help me out.
So here's the scoop, this girl lives in my neighborhood and she walks by my house every time school gets out. I do not take the bus, I drive home myself. And every time the opportunity comes all I can think in my head is, "what to do, what to say, how to say it" etc etc...
Wondering if anyone has had this problem or anyone could help me out.