If you can, go and find a music school or something. They will be your best source to be able to learn well. But if you don't want to do that, go and find yourself some songs that demonstrate what you want to learn - it will make learning more fun. For picking, I would recommend something like parallel universe by the chili peppers. That has medium paced picking in it that will help you to develop a good picking pattern (both up and down picking). And it provides you with the chance to learn some power chords. For strumming, clearly you need to learn chords. I would recommend learning easier songs that have very mainstream chord progressions, like Missy Higgins 'Scar Tissue' - C, G Amin, F progression. Learning scales is good, however I would focus on learning all of the basic notes and where on the neck they are first so you don't get confused or anything. Scales are great for soloing, but you probably won't be soloing too soon, so stick learning the very basics to give you some guidance in the future.