You need to know what the rents are in your area to determine whether $100/week is fair or not. ย Don't forget to figure in that appointment making is included in that $100/week. ย That can sometimes be a help, but could also be a hindrance, depending on the capabilities of the staff. ย I agree that I would try to get it on a monthly basis, rather than weekly. ย Save yourself some money. ย I wouldn't present it that way......I would just say "So, the rent will be $400 per month and you will make appointments and I will supply everything else, blah, blah, blah". ย MAKE SURE TO GET YOUR AGREEMENT IN WRITING!!!!!!!!If you cannot afford the full month's rent to start, then see if you can work on a perceneforum.xxxe or a certain $ amount per massage up to a certain cap. ย Agree on that for a short period, at which time it will revert to a monthly rent. ย Sounds like they are willing to work with that.MAKE SURE TO GET YOUR AGREEMENT IN WRITING!!!!!As a renter, it should be your responsibility to set your own hours, make your own prices, etc. ย I would make that clear. ย If you are fine with the $60 per hour, then let her know that you agree with that, but that you reserve the right to raise rates when it is warranted. ย If you are paying rent and she is getting it, then she has no need to see you raise the rent. ย If the going rate in your area raises and/or the cost of supplies rise significantly and SHE is in control of the rates, she might just say "Hey.....I'm getting my rent regardless of what the rate is. ย I'm going to keep it at $60 and be known as the "good deal" in town." MAKE SURE TO GET YOUR AGREEMENT IN WRITING!!!!!!!It does sound like you have a potentially nice opportunity. ย With an established salon that already has a clientele to draw from. ย Was there an MT in there before? ย If there was, it might be important to find out what sort of reputation he/she had so you know if you are going to be fighting an uphill battle to start with if he/she was not so good or was unprofessional. ย Also, you might want to try to find out why they left. ย If it was disagreements with the owner, that might be a sign to you that you need to be careful.Have a I mentioned yet that you shouldMAKE SURE TO GET YOUR AGREEMENT IN WRITING!!!!!!!