Limited spanish should not be much of an issue if you are in a massage parlor in BA, being escorted by a madam, bare assed naked on the table, then you can pretty much expect your hot, skantily clad masseuse to finish with a handjob for the basic price. Exceptions being one of the few real spas or fine hotels, or an unusually snakey girl working you for money. Jael is a gem and price goes up from the basic pretty quickly because she is highly sensual. Language may become an issue here, but I first sessioned with her about a year ago, and noticed the nice flowers a client had given her, I figured she was pretty special and she is. PMed Sinistra about her and explained that she is not the prettiest, or firmest, but her x factor may be the highest. My normal caveat would be about the chemistry being mutual but this girl is so good, I think she has everyone duped into thinking they are her special client.