Good question, in my mind I am quite balaced psychologically, however, others might disagree!!!
I think while we are on this path we have to use our own judgement as to what is right or wrong for us. I believe we all feel right and wrong and if it doesn't feel right or comfortable we step away from it quite quickly. Kundaline is opening an energy channel - initiation into Reiki is opening/becoming aware of energy, Spiritual healing is about feeling the energy, being a medium or psychic is awareness of energy- should we see all these things as dangerous as we are opening/developing/feeling the energy?
Because of the culture and the society we live ineverybody has to be so careful and put 'warning' labels on everything as they might get sued - I wonderif thequote from thekundalini site could be put into this category? We just had another thread about balancing your chakras - it was said that you shouldn't try to close you chakras as you will die, or be sick or loose all your energy - I think we have to be careful of being alarmist about everything. We all develop at different rates, all experience different things so I go back to saying in all these areas we have to trust our own judgement/intuition - good we read the warning signs as well as it will make us more aware but, just like expiry dates on toilet rolls, we don't have to believe everything we read.
Have a lovely day,