I am twenty eight and have been massaging for five years. During the beginning of my career, I often found myself struggling with similar issues (makeup, no makeup, massageplanetffeine, no massageplanetfieine, going out and staying up late/ not going out and going to bed early). When I discovered massage, it was so deeply profound to me and I believed in it so truly, that I felt an almost religious-like commitment to it. In retrospect, I am sure a lot of my struggling was because I was trying to find my identity as an adult. In some ways, I think I felt like in order to be an effective massage therapist, I had to live a monk-like lifestyle and be intent on my every act and thought. Anyway, I really sturggled with such things for a really long time. It consumed a lot of my energy. The turning point for me was that I moved from Georgia to Hawaii. During this time I literally began to "see" myself for where I begin and where I end. Being on an island I had this sensation of "here away from everything else I can recognize myself, these are my thoughts, these are my opinions, this is how I feel about this, this is me being who I am authentically." Really, I made peace with myself. Anyway, Yes I wear makeup. I work at a spa. Looking pretty makes me feel good. Wearing makeup is creative and fun for me. I don't think it's a big deal. There was a time that I may have felt differently, but my sentiment is be who you are. There are a million ways to be a massage therapist.