Looking for Paintings, not photographs of mass
Okay, I've been through this route, not easy. You put
paintings, Massage through a search Engine and get prepared to dig through a slew of links.
Basically, if you can find some good books or articles on the History of Massage, you can find images that have sifted down from ancient Egypt and ancient China...Japan, Greece, India, etc...
It appears there aren't many
readily found from Old World European and American artists. If they exist, they may be in private collections. Though there are contemporary artists who paint massage images for comercial use. At least that's my general perception. Maybe someone will come in to correct me about that?
Or maybe someone will research Massage Paintings for a book one day? *lol*
Sorry to drift OT, but you can find some interesting things by serendipity, if you chose to take on that search:
Great murals for a massage room ceiling!
Their link:
Good luck!