Hi Claire [sm=wave.gif]
For the last 4 years I've had real struggles with food...or more accurately I've had real struggles with my incorrect perceptions about the'pleasure' that I got from engaging in "disordered" eating. I had got to the end of line and made many, many attempts to lose weight and adopt a healthier eating pattern, but eventually there would come a time when I would allow myself a small treat and then all of a sudden it send me over the edge and within a couple of days I'd be back to square one. This pattern repeated itself over and over and over again, until eventually I questioned myself- maybe I just didn't want to stop enough? I felt totally lost and confused, I'd tried every approach under the sun and have always viewed the problemholistically, addressing the emotional/psychological/physiological aspects in order to get to the roots of the issue rather than see it as just a mission to losing weight.
About two months ago I found this book in my library, and I can honestly say it's helped me understand my foodaddiction and work miracles in my life. Since taking on board all the principles, and following the guidelines I'm finally in control of my life. Not only have I have I lost just over a stone, but the side effects have been really positive too- I'm far more organised, have tons more motivation, I'm more confident and most notably, I don't procrastinate!!!!
The book isn't a diet plan, an eating plan or even a lifestyle plan, but it shows you exactly what is going on in your brain when you have an addiction (which also applies to food). It doesn't blind you with science but does give you a detailed enough description to stimulate that aha! moment, and get you knowing deep inside that you CAN do it. Also, you don't have to be 'ready' to give up your addiction when you first start reading it, because it contains a motivational interviewing technique to help you on your way and look at you issue in the cold, hard light of day. Once you realise and have the sincere and honest feeling deep inside that you are better off without your addictive behaviour, it's easy to stop, and what's more, withdrawl symtoms are practically nonexistant.
I've never felt more in control of my life, and I wanted to share it with you.
The book isn't at all gimmicky, and is published by a UK specialist psychology college (Mindfields)rather than an individual "expert"/author.
Freedom from Addiction by Joe Griffin and Ivan Tyrell