I currently have an almost one year old female Calico Cat. Ive had her since September of last year. She usually a very good cat,calm social with other people. The odd time she may not like something and hiss or swat. But nothing serous thet we could not handle. Today we brought home a new 10 week old female kitten. My older cat came to greet us, as I was holding the new one. Since that exact moment everything's been complete mess. The new kitten is very calm and content however my one year old is not!! I took my one year away to another level of the house. She continued to hiss,growl,and swat at both me and everyone else living here. This I DO NOT understand. I understand her being territorial towards the kitten, but not the rest of us. I'm not sure of how to handle this from here. I would love to get them both socialized with each other. Now I'm nervous I may lose both cats. How do I approach this, especially with my one year old?
I see some of the feedback. I do realize I need to keep giving my one year old the same love and affection. The problem is she will not let anyone near her at ALL! I've tried as well as the other two people that live here. No one can get close to her at all. I realize it takes time for two cats to socialize but how do I personally handle the way my one year old is acting towards me and the other people that live here?
I see some of the feedback. I do realize I need to keep giving my one year old the same love and affection. The problem is she will not let anyone near her at ALL! I've tried as well as the other two people that live here. No one can get close to her at all. I realize it takes time for two cats to socialize but how do I personally handle the way my one year old is acting towards me and the other people that live here?