Laundry operation!!! HaH, Hah, hah!

Only their sheets and towels.
This place is affiliated with Shangri La, Same owners.
Yuri gives a fantastic massage RMT quality at Semi-legit Prices, She is in her 40's I suspect.
2-3 attendants on duty most of the time.
They usually have a couple of young girls in their line up. I had one of them once, Stella I think; she wanted to give me back door treatment instead of a massage. I didn't go for that. Her massage was ok.
Another chick whose name I don't recall wanted to go for a BS almost from the start. Massage was ok.
I usually ask for Yuri , but she is always busy. If you want her; you have to call ahead and set up an appointment.
tel. (647) 588-8988
premises are nice, clean and new looking. Showers are tiny, a fat guy would not fit in them
BS $80
HE $60
$40hh, $50 45mn $70h
Have not visited in a while, prices might be higher.