Friday night I booked a Saturday afternoon appointment with Vienna and I've got to say that the location sucks! After driving around the block 3 times and eyeing up the two small cars in the two car parking lot out back I came to the conclusion I would have to find a spot a walk. All the while time is ticklng down and the stress levels are going up, then I spot the Dentist office one block away that appears to be closed so I pull in there and debate whether I should risk it when a car pulls out across the street. Parking problem solved, stress levels start going down, walk into the studio to be told that 'something came up' and Vienna was not working today. She did leave me a special offer on my next session but I seriously doubt I will go through that hassle again. Is there any decent parking within reasonable walking distance?
After two years of trying to meet Vienna I've come to the conclusion that maybe it is just not meant to be.......big sigh.
After two years of trying to meet Vienna I've come to the conclusion that maybe it is just not meant to be.......big sigh.