I work with them hand in hand. I am also a surgical technician and assist them during surgery.
One of my surgeons took the bait and has my card etc. I live and practice in another state though...have not gotten any referrals from it.
If I were to cold call them(or meet and greet) I would prepare an info packet.
Your marketing materials plus a letter of introduction.
Ortho's and the like usually(at least the ones I work with) like to utilize a more conservative approach before surgery i.e PT/massage etc.
Getting to them may be near impossible unless you work with them. They all have an office manager who handle their communications.
Even when we have reps coming in with new equipment, they rarely get a sit down with them. They lurk around our break room waiting for the doc to pass through. They literally may have less then 3 minutes. All of the reps though have to be cleared by the hospital.
At their office, it's usually a bit different. Haven't you ever seen a pharm rep or some such person lurking in their waiting rooms with large cases filled with promo items??....
Like I said, prepare a packet and first send a letter of introduction to their office manager. Follow up with a phone call, maybe she/he can get you in to see them(not the Dr.).
I would include artlces/info about the research of Ortho massage. Massage Today has a lot of artlces by Whitney Lowe. TRI in Miami has case studies.