Date: Oct 30, 2010
Provider: Sasha
Phone: 214-538-1000
Email Address: -
URL / Website: -
City: dallas
State: Texas
Address: off composite
Appointment Type: Spa
Activities: table shower,cbj,cg,doggie, mish
Session Length: 60
Fee: 200
Hair Length and Color: Black
Age: 20 something
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Nationality: Korean
Physical Description: Young Petite, decent cup size, smooth soft cream skin, great body.
Recommendation: Yes. Not trusting at first. compained a bit but tried to please. Could improve attitude a little more.
Provider: Sasha
Phone: 214-538-1000
Email Address: -
URL / Website: -
City: dallas
State: Texas
Address: off composite
Appointment Type: Spa
Activities: table shower,cbj,cg,doggie, mish
Session Length: 60
Fee: 200
Hair Length and Color: Black
Age: 20 something
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Nationality: Korean
Physical Description: Young Petite, decent cup size, smooth soft cream skin, great body.
Recommendation: Yes. Not trusting at first. compained a bit but tried to please. Could improve attitude a little more.