Talk to me about how YOU use email to connect w/clients, plz
My newsletter opening rate is 60%, so in my case newsletters work really well. It's important to create articles that your clients find interesting. Each time my newsletter goes out, which is monthly, between 5 - 10 clients whom I haven't seen in a while will call or schedule appointments online. I think it's a good way to keep me in their minds. I'm still learning social marketing, such as with FB. As it is right now for social marketing, I have around 188 fans-- 8 are clients and 30 are personal friends. The rest are other massage therapists! I have just started a trade with a person who runs a social media marketing business, so we'll see how it goes for my business in that aspect.
If you go with Constant Contact (there are other email marketing sites out there but I'm not familiar w/how they work), you can track who opens your emails, who clicks through any links you provide in the email, how many times the person has opened the email, who "opts out" from receiving your newsletter and who has forwarded your newsletter to friends. All that info can tell you the effectiveness of your newsletter.
The fellow I'm trading with has mentioned about offering a discount for people who use the maps on their phones and yelp to say they are at your business. I'm looking forward to working with him and will share the info with anyone here who is interested as I learn more.
BTW Jessica, that is such a beautiful video testimonial left by one of your clients! Good job!!