Hey guys,
Long time lurker here. I saw this post and thought i'd provide some insight since I took the plunge yesterday.
Reviews are accurate (curvy 30ish, Asian-mix...half Quรฉbeรงoise..according to her). From Toronto, here for a couple of weeks.
Place is a small condo in Kingsway, massage table literally in the living room as soon as you walk in.
No drape so that's the first sign. I was pretty riled up so I ended up paying an extra $150 for a finish and she got nude as well. No bodysliding though or anything beyond that.
Used her shower to clean up, she was still completely naked as I was leaving so that was pretty cool.
She was nice and all so maybe I apologized if I am making this sound bettwe than maybe it was but honestly there is better value for money elsehwere if all one is getting is a nude hand finish. Also did not appreciate negotiating price in the nude and as friendly as she was, was also a bit of a clock watcher. My advice would be to skip but to each their own.