Alright gentlemen, back to some Trip Report, need to "resurrect" this type of threads, lest newbies wonder whether this is a Sex Forum for TJ or some hair cutting discussions

No moral judgements, to each his own, Thanks to all those new guys from Daddy Yankee, Dr Choi and others, and occassional guess visits by the Scatmandoos ! I saw that Larry "the lurker" is still around but just not writing much..
Here am I , can you send me an angel (Read Chica!) some rock song dont remember if it was Whitesnake, certainly not Led Zeppelin.
Last time I was in TJ (seems like ages ago), on a saturday afternoon, around 1 pm I went to Las Chavelas. There were quite a few girls, none seemed to be my liking. Two girls in tow near the door were eyeing and signalling me constantly, finally they came to borrow a cigarette. Thats the classic ice breaker trick of the pushy chicas ! I told the No for drinks. A couple of waiters came trying to push some other chicas. When you sit at a table in a half empty bar at noon, thats what one can expect. No problem. Another girl came in, she was the classic ugly ducklying, she just sat next to me. And bingo a waiter materialized from nowehere. Now I hate to refuse drinks to girls who are already sitting with me. But I said No, I gave her a dollar tip and some spanish BS and pretended to go to the Rest Room.
Meanwhile I am eying the only girl who fits my profile, she is not there but sometiems one has to lower the standards ! I wanted this darn dame to walk around, to see what "whares" she was in possesion. But she was stuck to her seat like with Superglue (like most of them do !) She was smiling and eying. I told a waiter to bring her over. When she came, I liked what I saw. I bought a drink, blond hair slightly on heavy side, pretty, name Nada I think (i wouldn bet on it). She drank slowly ! in fact I finished my big beer faster than hers. I had to tell "can you drink one more please"

She was polite and nice tot alk to, dont ask me what I talk (but I do speak a smattering of spanish). In fact I carry printout of translations from English to Spanish and girls get pretty amused by it ! And then they want to read it. Back to this girl half an hour passes, just 2 drinks. I say this is a nice lady becuase she doensnt ficha fuck you, has very good attitude. I know for sure whe will be very gvood in the sack. So off I take her upstairs, I am having a room in Cascadas, so time an dknock is not a problem.
She starts undressing, seems even more sexy with near white skin few blemishes. She is all relaxed. She starts from the top and works her way unhurriedly lower and down below the belt, sin condom. A long slow session progreses, I had to stop her from getting me too excited. Then I do some of my standard stuff, she apparently is enjoying, do different positoins, in slow mtion, time seems to have stopped, its over an hour since she isin the room, no sign of finishing or going. I am damn hungry and stomach is making embarrasing growsly over the beers. I decide to finish and get done. It could have gone longer. Very good service, Rating 8 on a scale of 1 to 10 overall. She says she finishe work at 8 pm. She shows me pictures of her daughters, we hav small chat. She is not aksing money. I am like how much is it. I produce some 200s Mexican pesos. Give her 3 which is 600 pesos. She is still smiling. I thought she deservers more. So I giver her more 200 for a total of 800 pesos (80 dollars), well deserved.
More later.....