What do you think, whta is the source of Turoff's power? Tehre are some posibilites. 1) From God 2) From Angeles or Saint 3) From not positive source! Maybe you think you know the ansver, but are you realy sure? What if not!? Posible you think it's good, but if you aren't sure, is it allowed to use it!? Maybe if you are a Catolic, you can't use power from anknown source, because you risk, that you are given by the Devil! You say: "Haha, Devil can't help people!". If you thinking that way you are wrong! It's the best way for HIM to get YOU! I say many extreme things, so am I a paranoic? No, rather Catolic, who want to find out the truth. I'm very interested what you are thinking about it.[&:]