Well, there is a door fee, usually 40 bucks for a half hour massage. After about 2 mins of the massage, the lady will ask if you want extras.
20 for topless
40 for nude
60 for nude reverse
80 for body slide
During the topless and nude, no touching by you is allowed. In the nude revers, the girl will massage you, and then she will lie down and allow you to massage her. This experience can be extremely wrotic, or not at all. It depends on the girl, and how much mileage she wants to give you, as well as how much you want to take.
The body slide, differes in every establishment. My experiences are that they grind on top of you, either with a towel in between, or nothing. For girls who are great at this stuff, just browse arounsd this board,
As a new person in this hobby, start small. Go to a place where you won't be pressured for extras. Usually when you pay the door fee, after your massage is finished, your lady will ask you to turn over, and she will give you a handjob. Start out with this. As you get more comfortable start with the extras. This board is very handy, so I recommend you do a little research before you go. The experiences can be incredible.
As my_my_my74 mentioned, at some places, you can get full service, blow jobs, etc. I recommend you stick to the legal stuff, until you become more of a novice in the hobby.
Good Luck