A woman hoping for a man at any sort of legit place to cross boundaries and give her a sensual massage is going to be disappointed. There are some guys on Locanto offering "massages" for women, but they're just horndogs hoping to engage in some form of sensual massage for free.
My GF is an extremely sexual person and her and I have a very "liberal" relationship with regards to sex. She has lots of encounters with other men and I have my happy-ending massages and it makes life very interesting. She loves a sensual massage, but would never try to turn a legit massage into a sensual one for the same reason we guys should NOT be doing that either: it's sexual harassment of a professional person.
It's like seducing your personal trainer or fitness class instructor- something my GF has done quite a few times. Don't get sexual in the professional setting. She ends her training session with "want to get a coffee" and when the professional interaction is over, then the seduction game can begin.
She has visited a well-known semi-legit (very semi, lol) establishment and had several massages by women there, and one was a complete dud, the other helped her a little while she got herself off, and the third one gave her a very happy time to end her session.
There are areas of Europe where there are male providers that service women, as women there are more likely to pay for sensual services. There's a "spa" in Lisbon we've been to a few times that have a roster of male staffers and they offer couples massages where you can have two women staff, two male staff, or one of each.