Working for other health care providers...
Hi Texas,Well, you should know first off that I won't be able to work as a "massage therapist" to start off with, because until we get a massage therapy program started, the work I do can't be billed under a massage therapist's treatment plan. I will work under the title of a "rehab aid", where the treatment that I provide will actually be billed under the treatment plan of a physical therapist. (Hope that makes since.) Now the actual insurance billing won't be my problem (but if you have any ideas about that, I'll gladly listen). What I need are some actual marketing ideas, ideas that I can take back and share with my employer, on implementing a massage program into the assisted living facilities. For instance, here are some ideas I had (which may be good or bad). 1) Making informative brochures about the benefits of massage and sending them out to the families of the patients-The families, I feel, will have more reserves about new treatment plans. 2) I thought that maybe we could do a "Family massage day", where we could set up massage and offer it to the family members and the patients when family members come to visit.-I figure it could be a way to ease tension about families coming to visit relatives who have major handicaps or cognitive disabilities, and at the same time, give a demo to the family members, so that they can "feel" the importance of massage. And 3)-- Earlier I was reading through the discussions on this web site, and someone mentioned the idea of doing the "punch cards". Well, I thought this was a really neat idea. However, with geriatrics, you don't typically give hour massages. So here's the idea (and obviously I think it will work better with the patients who aren't cognitively impaired). I think the facility is going to charge massage at $1/ minute. And using the punch card idea, maybe we could offer a free 15, 20, or 30 minute massage after they have received something like 50 or 100 minutes of massage. Now, keep in mind these are some of the "rough draft" ideas that I have come up with. So, if you can add anything to these, or just think these aren't good ideas let me know. I'd love to hear your opinion. Keep in mind though, that these are really early seforum.xxxes of planning, and anything you have might be helpful.Hope this was more informative,Cece