Business Proposal
Chiropractic center: The left far room will be provided by the center for sole use at the discretion of M for use of Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork under the ethical code and limits of the New York state law. Rent will be provided for use of this room, utilities, as well as shared use of the bathroom facilities. Liability and malpractice insurance is provided through AMTA by the therapist, which covers the therapist, facility and all equipment. A copy will be provided prior to any sessions performed at the center. The back door facing south will be locked at all times, chiropractic clients must use the front door for entry to the center, disruption during sessions will not be tolerated. Keys to the center will be provided to the therapist.
Appointments and scheduling: The Chiropractic center will not be responsible for any of the appointments scheduled. This will be the sole responsibility of the therapist, although some clients may want to coordinate their appointments, which can be accommodated. Payment for coordinated appointments must be paid separately. Appointments will be scheduled accordingly with minimal disruption to the chiropractic center. A 30-minute buffer will be scheduled in between clients. Hours will vary until a set schedule can be maintained, hours will be mostly daytime, but will include one evening, and weekend appointments. Total hours approximately 20-30, including down time. The therapist may be on site with discretion in between clients. Appointments will be made in advance only, walk-ins will not be accepted.
Signage and representation: Business cards and information will be left in the waiting room to encourage the centers patients to use the massage services. A non-permanent vinyl sign will be placed in the window on the north side of the building under the sign for the center, see below.
Advertising: Local advertising and website will be provided by the therapist for information purposes, and contact information, with use of the address and naming O... Chiropractic Center as the location in the advertisement when applicable. Post cards will also be used for clients to send to others as a referral plan. See price page for details. Photos of center may be included in advertising, mainly on the website.
Specials: Will be announced around holiday time, or any slow time of year. Specials will be posted at the center, as well as on the website. A referral policy will be followed all year round, as well as discounts for packages purchased. A grand opening special will run for the first month after opening.
Equipment and supplies: Table, stool, linens, charts, music, supplies and other furnishings will be the responsibility and the property of the therapist, which are to be left in the room ready for the next appointment at all times. Removal of equipment will be at the therapist’s sole discretion as needed for services provided outside of the facility. A Purel dispenser will be secured on the wall inside and outside the room for hygiene purposes. Supplies will be delivered directly to the center as needed.
Expansion of practice: If the center expands to a larger location and or facility, M is permitted to expand clientele services within the scope of practice, and to hire employees, for such services. At such time Muriel will be acting as a supervising roll as well as seeing clientele at her discretion. Room(s) must be 10x12 or larger, with adequate storage for supplies.