hi,If you have the book...Check out page 160 of Mosbey's "Fundamentals of Therapeutic Massage" (1995) by Sandy Fritz. Box 7.3 "Massage Pricing Averages." I have this page photocopied and as soon as someone even starts to complain without knowledge of the non-massage work time put in to the business, or about the prices, I have this out and make reference to it. Here are quotes about time management from it:"...There is always time between massage sessions. It will take:Forty five minutes to do a half hour massage.An hour and fifteen minutes to do an hour massage.An hour and forty five minutes to do an hour-and-a-half massage.Three hours to do an hour on site massage. " and it goes on to say, "Always remember that each hour spent doing massage requires at least one hour of business management time. Giving twenty one-hour massage sessions is at least forty hours of work."This is all very true. There is so much more work behind the scenes that clients don't see: record keeping, cleaning, laundry, changing the sheets, phone calls, researching conditions, continuing ed classes, purchasing supplies, photocopying forms, doing the books, arranging advertising, etc, etc.Re: Clients perception of 3-4 appts/day: Take as many appts. as you can handle physically and emotionally. You have to maintain your own health if you want to be able to help others improve theirs. Take care of yourself first and feel good about it. Nothing wrong with that.