
  1. H

    Massage pricing

    A quick question for the experienced Massage seekers. MPs have different fees for 1/2 hr and 1 hr apts. Is this the same for masseuse extra fees? ie: if the usual rates are $40/$60/$80 for the varying levels of service for 1 hr. Is it safe to assume that for a 1/2 apt, the extras are...
  2. A

    blend pricing

    Hi, passed my aromatherapy in july and am now doing it, but i am a bit stuck on pricing, can help me by advising me on how much to charge someone when you make them a blend to use at home? or other products you make for home use? any advise would be great thanks.
  3. Y


    I wonder if anyone can advise me on pricing of products. When making blends for clients to take home, eg bath oils, face creams, what mark up do you put on? For example if it costs me £3 to make not including my time what do i charge the client?
  4. Z

    Delimma - Pricing & New Therapist

    Hello All - I am facing a bit of a clientele dilemma here. Where I work at, there's only one massage room and that wasn't usually a problem before now. Another therapist has come on board and he is a more established MT who is paying rent vs. being commission like I am (It's a good split -...
  5. S

    Pricing Question

    I know that FS at places like Swan Lake are $.2 to $.4 not including the room fee. How much is a nude HJ or BJ ? And would they still give you that great rim job also not going FS? :confused:
  6. N

    Need Opinions on Pricing Structure...

    Hi everyone, I'd love to hear opinions on the following: I want to attract clients who are interested in finding out the benefits of frequent massage for themselves. So, I came up with this: What do you think of this pricing structure? First, I would change my hourly rate for massage...
  7. P

    brochure pricing

    should i put my prices on my brochures? or is it better to have a statement something like "affordable pricing" and then have rate cards that i would insert into the brochures... i am thinking that the rate cards would be less expensive to reprint for price changes than the brochures. i am...
  8. C

    Q: Thai pricing?

    As there is a double pricing policy in Thailand for a lot of things with one price for Thais and another for foreigners, does anyone know what Thais pay when they visit MP's?
  9. Cougar Hunter


    i am just starting to see clients in my home. i am charging $50 for a one hour massage. What would be an appropriate price for a 1 1/2 or 2 hour massage?
  10. S

    Pricing for new menu option

    I'm adding pain management massage to my menu. It uses a variety of techniques; TP, MET, and general deep tissue massage. I warn that this isn't a relaxing massage with a little TP thrown in. Of course, I'll try and make nice with the muscles afterwards but.... nice isn't the point, getting to...
  11. S

    Pricing Info Needed To Pitch A Trade Show Event in Chicago

    :lol: Hello All, Has anyone ever submitted a quote to be the chair massage therapist at a trade show? I've been asked to submit my rate and if I have a minimum. I'm considering submitting a bid of $60 - $70 with a two hour minimum. Any suggestions? Thanks!
  12. Newrean

    Pricing - interesting story

    I think that most of us at some time worry about our prices. Are we charging enough? Will we lose clients if we raise our rates? Can clients afford our rates? etc etc Below is a true story about pricing. When a colleague was learning hot stone massage as part of her homework she had to...
  13. I

    Pricing ND vs AM

    Several post in this forum said ND was expensive and AM was most affordable. However, for 45mn ND proposes 20.000Yen (+2.000 if selction of girl) while AM is around 28.000 ... Thanks for your help. Anyway I've appointment with Risa of ND in Sunday.. Let's see !
  14. K

    Outcall Pricing

    Greetings, An issue concerning outcall pricing keeps coming to the surface and I must now try and develop a consistant marketing strategy and hope to gather some useful insights from other professionals to implement reasonable rates for the client yet fair rates for the therapist. Aside...
  15. V

    Pricing for prenatal massage practice

    I’m having trouble deciding on what to charge. Background ~ I’ve been practicing for a little over 3 years. Prenatal work has always been my passion but I’m just getting around to being certified. I’m also certifying as a doula & an infant massage instructor. Right now in my private practice...
  16. Y

    Pricing Pregnancy Massage?

    Hi there. Now that I'm actually certified in pregnancy massage, we're in discussions about how to proceed with pricing. My instructor said that typically, she charged a little more for prenatal massage than for "regular" massage, but added that "in this economy", we may not want to do that right...
  17. C

    Pricing questions!

    Hey guys, I am thinking of taking two girls from bars or maybe even free lancers and keeping with me for 5 days or so instead of just finding new girls again and again. Any ideas what the going rate? If i have two girls with me what should the going rate be each day? Am I going to...
  18. Aleisha

    Lady drink 2-tier pricing

    This is a new one on me. Last night at a bar front of Tiger checked the price list>>> Lady Drink 170baht Lady Dance 200baht Got myself a San Mig Light and LD for the lady sat with me who had been standing with a price list enticing people in. Checked bin...320baht! Turns out because she...
  19. Pompal 09.

    pricing options, looking for feedback pls

    I recently found this forum and it's amazing! You all have such great advice, thank you for sharing. :) I have started a chair massage business and have done pretty much everything except go out and get clients. I feel much better about that part tho after finding this forum. Anyway, I was...
  20. C

    Mini tour - Update on MPs and MP pricing

    Went around to a few of the MPs (ones that aren't named New Fantasy, HLH or Relax, although I went to them too) and figured you guy s might like to have some recent pricing. Because I only look for hour long sessions I didn't start off asking about everything, so there are some gaps, but with...
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