Well-Known Member
Things have sure changed. Anna scowled at me when I had a bit of illegal fun with Crystal.I'm sure Anna knows what's going on. When I fucked Yuki the massage table was creaking and moving, hard to hide what was making the noise. Anna came in before session to drop change for massage on table. I had put $100 on table with a condom in preparation for Yuki. Anna dropped the change on the table right next to $100 and condom. The girls always ask you to take used condom and wrapper with you when you leave (wrapped up in tissue) so they say Anna won't find out. I guess to keep up the charade. Plausible deniability I believe they call it in legal jargon. I call it bullshit. Anna knows there's sex going on. She's not a stupid woman. Just go for it. Greenway is a brothel disguised as a massage parlor. I think everyone knows that by now