advertising at a restaurant or cafe?
I really don't know, Ellie. There's a really neat Mexican place in our little town that has local businesses advertisements on their menus- that, too, is around $300/year, from what I understand. He mentioned us maybe getting in on it, but we have only so much $$ for advertising, and besides that, another local business I know (not a MT) said she'd tried it there and it hadn't paid off for her. Not sure whether it would for us or not, but we can't do it this year anyway. What I'd suggest would be to take note of the businesses they currently have on the placemats and call those businesses and ask how it's working for them. Not everyone will be willing to give you an honest assessment of their experience with it, but perhaps enough will that you can get a solid idea of "Wow- that was the best move I ever made!", or "Oh, I'll never do THAT again!"