Killit, I like that defensive move you'd make against three trannies on the attack for your wallet, walking backwards while facing them. I seen the move in monster movies, where the guy or girl walks backward with arms out, and then runs away, with Jason or somebody chasing them.
I should of explain this alot better.I walk back faceing the person then hop in my truck and leave.{I do this alot on my job}
Now just about everyone in self defense recommends gouging out the eyes
Lot of your stuff your posting is goodstuff, but if the mugger is coming from behind and choking people out{blacking out} you don't have the time to find the head to goug the eyes out.
{FB the best thing to do is have somebody stand behind you and applied the choke on you and try to black you out.}{had to do this for my job, some of us almost past out ,one guy past out that was me.

my partner applied the hold to fast, no time to tap out are try and break it.}
FB do you watch ultimate fighter? Back choke are ground choke if applied right how many people you see break those holds?
so I have to ask what are your qualification? I am not going to tell my whole history {yes i am from the hood and been to Iraq }but going tell my job and stuff we do there.I repo cars, we do most of Socal my job have us come in 3times a year for a week to do selfdefense.{the begain,middle and end of the year.}We hire to teach us ultimate fighters,blackwater type people.{when I first got the job it was during selfdefense week and ultimate fighter Tank Abott was there.}{March we where in LV for the blackwater type people.}With me repoin cars I get in alot of situtions monthly?
Don't take this personal but doing my job I here alot of qualification.{goldgloveboxer,blackbelt in judo,i am from compton,i am a bodybuilder,navy seal,army ranger.} These what people say to intamated me for not to take their car away, which I still do.
The only other reports you'll find now are on TJ Amigos, you have to search for muggings, and Articulo 123 and you'll find a few. There are a few first hand reports that I could find, by well known mongers, but really you can't find to many first hand reports where a choke hold happened to them directly. You find for example one guy claims he witnessed 3 attacked in TJ in a span of 12 years, well in 12 years, I'm sure most people witnessed crimes taking place in the streets. I know I personally witnessed many purse snatching many times in the streets of America
How do you become a member of TJ amigos?{If I read the reports I can understand alot better on how he is robbing people.Because the few I read is always somebody from behind and they get chokeout.I think thats on clubhombre site.}
FB you know what you should do make a thread ask when was the last time a monger gotten into a fight?