Again burt, you continue to show your lack of common sense.
All situations need to be logically evaluated. You glaringly seem to lack that capacity.
I've been stopped about 8 to 10 times (maybe even more) and in nearly all instances the TJ Policia rateros have received nada from me. But that's because I take care to keep myself clean of violations for the most part. I can assure you that if I had non-prescribed BP meds on my person, I would not try to attract attention to myself.
Instead of calling ea$y an "afraidicat" you should be thanking your buddy for extracating your ass from a stupid position that you placed yourself in.
Hanging with guys who act stupid in Mexico is a huge liability/burden.
Twice TJ policia extracted dinero from me. One time I was driving on the wrong side of the street (On one pf my earlier mongering excursions I incorrectly thought the road that parrallels Coahuila to the north was a one-way street between Constitution and Nino Heroes). The cop had me dead to rights. I didn't know what the fine would be, so it was easy just to give him a mortida after successfully asserting that I had not been drinking. I think I gave the cop 400 pesos to settle the matter on the spot and continue my drive home.
Another time I was headed home at night and drove into a traffic checkpoint on 2nd street (a block before the ramp to la linea) about one or two years ago. On that particular night I mistakenly left my driver's license at home and could only provide my CA identification card to the cop at the checkpoint. In the US this wouldn't be a problem since the ID card has the same number as my driver's license and a US cop can instantly radio in and confirm my DL is OK and not suspended. But this was a TJ policia in TJ. He made a big deal about it, saying I needed a DL to be driving in TJ. He had me pull off to the side of the road and kept telling me that for a couple of hundred dollars he could "fix" it right there and not need to tow my car and put me before a judge. I did have more than $200 well hidden in my vehicle, but only 40 pesos and $4 or $5 in my pockets, which I showed him to assert I could not pay $200.
He kept threatening me with the tow, and for about half an hour he alternated between returning to the checkpoint and periodically returning to my vehicle to further attempt his shakedown. He asked if I had an ATM card. I said yes, but that less than $10 or $15 was in the account (a lie) and I would need to return to the US in order to raise $200. Repeatedly I acted as if I had no access to funds and that I guess we needed to go the unfortunate route of my visiting the judge. I didn't demand to see the judge, but only accepted a reluctant visit to the judge as my only option to what the cop was presenting to me. After enough visits to me in my parked car the cop just gave up in futility and said I could go.

I offered him a "thanks/propina" in the form of $9 equivalent, all I supposedly had, and he reached in to accept it. NOW that's a tip, since I could have kept it.
Am I too cheep to pay for an escort? Yeah, probably so now.
If I know how to get GFE treatment - with no legal contoversies - for well under half of what an escort would charge, I see no reason to contract with an escort. (I might do a session with Tania, the great one, someday because of her alleged great skill - and she was very nice to me the day we met about two years ago).
But I would never be dumb enough to intentionally escalate matters in TJ and potentially make a bad situation much worse.
Like argue with a taxi libra over something immaterial at the border when I was "carrying".
That's just stupid.