Brief description: Mexican, early 20s, DD breasts.
Menu (all prices include door fee): BJ ($80), regular HJ ($60).
Massage level: good.
My journey: I went for the regular HJ and got a Russian too. It was $60, but I left more.
Vibe: quiet but very relaxing. I engaged, had a good conversation but it felt a bit transactional. Might be easier next time, since we broke the ice this time.
Repeat: sure.
Menu (all prices include door fee): BJ ($80), regular HJ ($60).
Massage level: good.
My journey: I went for the regular HJ and got a Russian too. It was $60, but I left more.
Vibe: quiet but very relaxing. I engaged, had a good conversation but it felt a bit transactional. Might be easier next time, since we broke the ice this time.
Repeat: sure.