Nope. Although my mom was Catholic, she didn't force religion on me. And to be honest, I hated church at that age because it was so boring. But I was always afraid of death as a kid because I couldn't comprehend the notion of nonexistence. I wasn't really exposed to Christian doctrine until my best friend in high school expressed concern for my life, and warned me that simply trying to do good things wasn't enough in God's eyes. I was 16 at that point, and because the church was such a nice place, I stayed, and eventually really got into loving God and studying His word. It wasn't really because of fear, it was because I was in a really bad place as a teen, caught in self-loathing and depression, and I saw the love and the sincerity in the church, and I wanted a part of it. I knew that it was better than whatever I had at the moment. And it was. So much better.