Hi Staris, , just focus on your hand , period, you mind is not involved in this healing. except to the extent that it stays focused on staring at any spot of skin. It seeing yourself, your skin, that triggers the healing gene.
Dont roam your gaze around , keep it on one spot although you can swithch spots if you want. Thats all there is to it except for the varioius things to avoid that make your immune system imporrible or harder to stimulate, that I mentioned in various posts. .
How long? UNtil your cold is gone, Shouldnt be too long though judging from that lady who tried it although lets say you do if for 15 minutes and only heal half of it, you can get the rest later but dont let too much time elapse in between because if its a real nasty resistant virus it could partially rebuild. It it does though its no big deal, you just repeat and do it longer the next time.
To keep it from rebuilding if you didnt get it all, if you leave your hand in the fetal position meaning elbow at your side and bent so your hand is held reasonably still, up near your collar bone or upper chest or shoulder and hold it still, as when asleep etc, that will prevernt it from relapsing at all, it that was gonig to happen, and probably should heal the rest completely in a couple of hours if you get tired of staring at your hand or doint have enough time, because Ive healed so many colds that way , and it takes a person about three hours hlding the hand up like that to cure a cold, Dont have anythng in your hand, use one hand only , either one, and if lying down curl your fingers int a loose fist so that your whole palm doesnt hit your chest. YOu can rest your elbow on something if you want or walk with it that way etc.